Author Topic: What is your gamer fuel  (Read 2925 times)

For me,

Just a few of my favorite snacks
What fuels your late night game sessions?

Coke zero but I try out a bunch until I get one that tastes like blood and pennies

1. Soda bubbles make your teeth rot
2. Open a coke and leave it out overnight
3. Come back to it after it has turned flat
4. Drink the flat coke and enjoy your tasty beverage with none of the painful side effects:)

1. Soda bubbles make your teeth rot
2. Open a coke and leave it out overnight
3. Come back to it after it has turned flat
4. Drink the flat coke and enjoy your tasty beverage with none of the painful side effects:)
Well played

Yesterday I drank a red bull then played fallout for 8 hours straight

chocolate, i think. it's been a while

chocolate, i think. it's been a while
Ladies and Gentlemen! Introducing........the Chocolate Starfish!!! And the Hot dog Flavored Water!!

Bring it on!

i prefer to call it hot dog juice

3 scoops of pre workout and a bang

Hot Chocolate in the winter :) Mostly water in the summer. I bought myself a water cooler for my home office which also has a heater, so I can make hot tea or have ice cold water whenever I desire.

where do I get that text for my ava and/or a new ava with that text? pls help I have no idea how to do simple gimp edits.

nvm it wouldn't work well with my current ava, I should just animate it I guess.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2021, 01:58:15 AM by Black and White »