Author Topic: {USSR} alert!  (Read 19351 times)

I think they are lying about their age. If they are they must be very unpopular. What's wrong with the USSR thing anyway?

Nothing, in fact cougars just pissed because diggy banned him for swearing at the admin after spamming.

he hates ussr because we have rules and he can't follow them.

im an allie to the ussr but i  have heard that the ussr's rules are kinda out there and no offense i do agree with goffy a little you guys have pissed off quite a few ppl
BLR, US the tsith but we cleared that up, and etc. you guys gotta cool it down man wat ever your doing stop or you will be the most hated clan on BL. just advice

No one hates USSR, it's just two noobs who got banned from their server and have nothing better to do than spam, OMG USSR SUX and make fake kool kids klub meetings.

Goofyman you are a loving child. Go back to your mommy's teet you little bitch.

Let's get something straight, this is a negative post and should be locked for its stupid, infantile, and imature remarks on a clan that you know NOTHING about.

You should be ashamed of what a loser you must be, to go off pissing everyone off for being banned from a server.

1. BLR should stop accusing us for things that supposed members of the clan have done, You could have acted civilized and posted a complaint, But NO.. You gotta play the "hate card" and flame
2. If you can't take the heat open a fricken window
3. most USSR members are older and don't care about whatever you have to say (Diggy)
4.WE GIVE OUT SECOND CHANCES! If your banned then tell us why and we can fix it, acting like this is childish and you won't recieve any help from some of our more charitiable members
5.its [USSR] get it right moron, if your going to make "richard" jokes then this forum is not for you

BLR? (I'm only 10 and I have better grammer, and I'm also Chinese. LOL. THIS IS TO DUMBforget COUGAR)

yea what does BLR have to do with this?  i never heard or saw a flame or joke from them but i maybe wrong.

Goofyman you are a loving child. Go back to your mommy's teet you little bitch.
First of all i dont live with my loving mother. Second of all, im almost loving 18 so your loving tweener ass can shut the hell up.

Well for an 18 year old, you sure can't act like it.

Goofyman you are a loving child. Go back to your mommy's teet you little bitch.
First of all i dont live with my loving mother. Second of all, im almost loving 18 so your loving tweener ass can shut the hell up.
ha ha! this is what us soviets call product of US education system!

"in soviet russia, our clans act like starfishs"
« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 12:33:29 AM by Goofyman... »

So you're not denying the fact you are handicapped?

Hahaha. Goofyman is a total idiot.