Author Topic: Portal Gun  (Read 83536 times)

Download my Gravity Gun and save it to your Add-Ons folder. It must be at least installed for the Portal Gun to function, as it is used for the alternate fire (red portal) and pick-up mode.

Download my Gravity Gun and save it to your Add-Ons folder. It must be at least installed for the Portal Gun to function, as it is used for the alternate fire (red portal) and pick-up mode.
Ohhh, there are two different Gravity Guns?

Guide to Portal Gun Events

Player::setPortalGun - Use this on a player in a minigame to disable certain functions of the player's Portal Gun for challenges e.g. the pickup mode or orange portals.
Player::clearPortals - Clears the portals a player has created. This could be used like a "Fizzler" in the game.

Brick::setAsPortalLink - When a player's Orange portal is disabled by setPortalGun, their blue portal will link to ones created by the brick this event applies to e.g.:

Code: [Select]
onActivate -> self -> spawnProjectile -> Portal (orange) [somewhere]
onActivate -> Player -> setPortalGun -> BlueOnly
onActivate -> self -> setAsPortalLink

On clicking the brick, the player will only be able to fire blue portals, which link to the orange portal that is created. You can use this with <NAMED BRICK> to set a different brick as the link. (e.g. walk into a room and your gun links with a different brick's portal) This only works in a minigame.

Brick::clearPortalLink - The current player's portal no longer links with a brick. (e.g. walk into a corridor, your portal stops linking with one in the last room before you reach the next room)

Brick::setAntiPortal - Sets the current brick as "portal-proof" or not. (Players can't place portals on it) Bricks from the Anti-Portal category are always portal-proof.

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Ohhh, there are two different Gravity Guns?
Yes. The other one on the forum is from v8 (originally by SolarFlare), which doesn't have the needed functions for the Portal Gun to work. (His is Weapon_GravGun, mine is Weapon_GravityGun so it doesn't conflict)

Added the guide to the main post/website. It's in .txt format, open in any document editor.


Yay for Space  :cookie: x5 for the best guy on blockland

The portal gun is not a weapon, it is a device. It does not kill people.

I wondered when someone was gonna make this, YOU WIN.  :cookieMonster:

awsome sry double post but can you fix the fact that when you come out other side of portal you face away.  im not saying you have to do it but it would be moar  awsome

OMG finnally a portal gun!!!!!!!! nice job space guy :cookieMonster:

OMG finnally a portal gun!!!!!!!! nice job space guy :cookieMonster:
... finnally? im guessing your new

OMG finnally a portal gun!!!!!!!! nice job space guy :cookieMonster:

You know this is from V8, right? I opened this topic thinking Space Guy ported it/made a new one, and then I find out that he hasen't, and someone who can't read dates thinks this is new. Gtfo.

You know this is from V8, right? I opened this topic thinking Space Guy ported it/made a new one, and then I find out that he hasen't, and someone who can't read dates thinks this is new. Gtfo.

Psst you are making yourself look like an idiot right now  :cookieMonster:

« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 04:37:08 PM by Dr.Block »