Author Topic: Funny Little Computer People  (Read 3238 times)

Some screenshots I will be posting of some funny little internet people talking to each other on their little informational computing devices.

This could be the forum version of DeadFall07's 'Blockland Players Say the Darnest Things'

Now these are just some I saw whilst scrolling today. Not near as a good as some of the really damning ones, but I know you guys have 'em!

real ones remember the blockland forum archive on tumblr

Classic McZealot.
Remember when he broke being a vegetarian over ramen?

Classic McZealot.
Remember when he broke being a vegetarian over ramen?
mczealot is a predator

Classic McZealot.
Remember when he broke being a vegetarian over ramen?

dont think this really counts but the destroyerofblocks review/brown townysis posts are gold
off loving sucks
don't jump

real ones remember the blockland forum archive on tumblr
still alive, just understandably no submissions and i haven't been on the forums enough lately to grab any caps lol