Author Topic: 2013/03/11 - Blockland r1855  (Read 59558 times)


  • Administrator
Blockland r1855

  • Fixed crash on shark bite
  • Fixed camera camera.getControlObject() returning a float value instead of an int
  • Fixed speedkart mode referencing old round limit variable

thank god that crash from the bite was fixed

hey, i'm grateful. now i can make killer shark moats underneath deathmatches and not feel at all bad about it crashin the dudes who fall in

Well I guess then sharks would have been really dangerous, Lol.

wait so are there bots now?
ya theres bots
« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 09:24:51 AM by swollow »

All we need to do now is make a 40 minute long movie about a group of people going trough different areas looking for the spawnbrick of an invincible super bot who is terrorizing Blockland's servers.


Yay! Bots!
No more shark crashes!

aw yiss

Jaws gamemode here we come.