Author Topic: Hi im new here.  (Read 4131 times)

I hope to gain respect to the popular people on the forum.

We know one thing at least.

You are not Plaz

Enjoy your stay.

Your room is right next to mine.

We know one thing at least.

You are not Plaz

i saw that ninja edit.

get a lovey avatar

and by lovey I mean colours all over the vehicle

Who here would be willing to give him the grand tour.

hi plaz
this is your plaze
plazed to meet you, plaz
plaze leave if you are plaz

I hope to gain respect to the popular people on the forum.

Well hi there! Don't be afraid, the blockland forums is a wonderful place!

And I'm totally not saying that because I'm being held at gunpoint!

help me...

Weird... So um OK. I thank you guys for greeting me and I am sure I will learn things on the way with your guys help. :D

Well hi there! Don't be afraid, the blockland forums is a wonderful place!

And I'm totally not saying that because I'm being held at gunpoint!

help me...
He's lying we are all really nice.

Remember not to loving curse and stuff.

Just don't be a dumb motherforgeter and you should be fine here

Just don't be a dumb motherforgeter and you should be fine here
And If we have to translate this then you will not last long.