Author Topic: Technitrium: MasterRockets loots underwear from old people's drawers!  (Read 13114 times)

You wake up feeling bland. As if your mind were literally cleared of all thoughts. But that doesn't remain long.
Observing the area from now, we must be in a very dark room with a dim hanging light from the ceiling. What shall you do?

are applications still open?

turn my steel bar into a small pole and poke the light

Swing from the Light like a spider Monkey

Jack: I'm going to transmute my bar into a metal pole.

Jack: Alright, lets see what happens when I poke the light.

Jack: There goes the light.

What now?

Way to go dumb ass.

Menen: Pick up Broken Light. Use as weapon.

Menen: Way to go dumbass -.-
*Menen picks up broken light

What now? Explore or wait?

Name: Alexia Aroth
Race: Cyborg
Class: Wizard No point in having two wizards, Archer
Inventory: Some mechanical staff thing, Laser pistol, amulet

Im a summoner, so I summon a ORB OF LIGHT.

And then we can continue rightways

turn pole into metal greaves or gloves

Menen: Time to summon light

Menen: Whats that doorway there, should we go in or explore some more?

*Jack transmutes the pole into metal greaves

Still, should we continue or go in the door?

Menen: Lets go through the doorway.
Jack and Purple: Ok

Menen: Woah, who is that? Were you guys expecting somebody?
Purple and Jack: Not me.

Who is the mysterious person (xxxxkill). Shall you befriend him?