Author Topic: Control Bricks (Basic Pack)  (Read 6459 times)

add a joystick to do controls for cameras, cranes, heavy equipment, etc

also maybe add a little button array for a numberpad

This is fantastic and versatile. But what of all those knoblets and dials without a big, red button in a clear case to destroy them all?

may consider both of ur suggestions. regarding the keypad though:

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« Last Edit: March 07, 2021, 05:35:45 PM by Conan »

so which of these tiny ass buttons launches the nukes

so which of these tiny ass buttons launches the nukes
roll around on the keypad, eventually you'll roll on it

I never realized how much we actually needed a brick pack like this for control rooms and the like, as always incredible work man!

damn its unfortunate these have gotta be restricted to admin-only, sadly stops them from being used on public freebuilds at all
its insane how far yall be pushing blocklands brick system though

updated with vertical buttons for wall panels

will update op with pics and add brick icons too later

Version 1.2
+ Added vertical buttons, with icons
+ Updated scripts and included .blend

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