Author Topic: Unfair Ban On "Boss Battle's Server": Whats Your Opinion?  (Read 6227 times)

Boss battles get a lot of stuff about bans, but I really think they are all justified with Tophat's judgment.

Well....I am just gonna have to say, I guess this drama is proven...

Done to try to get out of a ban!
What were YOU banned for, MetaKnight?

I do know what I'm talking about. This next chatlog is you as an example, because it's before June 15 as you stated in the OP which is about the time the other key came into play.
(A) What is the OP?!
(B) You don't know. Because you said there was a THIRD Key in play, so you took what I said out of context.
(C) Part of the reason I was banned is for insulting others, but Trinko insulted me right back, so that is not a valid reason.

So, the justification for this ban at this point is:
1.) Point spiting at 6% health instead of just waiting.
2.) We admins don't like you.
3.) Uhh... let's see... what can we ban him for?
4.) Oh, wait, am I still typing the reason?
5.) So you mean he can read what I'm saying?

Part of the reason I was banned is for insulting others, but Trinko insulted me right back, so that is not a valid reason.

Solid logic 10/10

I don't usually Trinko brutal to be honest when i'm on boss battles, but after seeing what Tophat supports, I will have to agree with her.


What were YOU banned for, MetaKnight?
I wasn't banned. I was only kicked...

I do know what I'm talking about. This next chatlog is you as an example, because it's before June 15 as you stated in the OP which is about the time the other key came into play.
(A) What is the OP?!
(B) You don't know. Because you said there was a THIRD Key in play, so you took what I said out of context.
(C) Part of the reason I was banned is for insulting others, but Trinko insulted me right back, so that is not a valid reason.

So, the justification for this ban at this point is:
1.) Point spiting at 6% health instead of just waiting.
2.) We admins don't like you.
3.) Uhh... let's see... what can we ban him for?
4.) Oh, wait, am I still typing the reason?
5.) So you mean he can read what I'm saying?

Op is original poster. The first post; the start. I'll say this gain. I thought there was a third key in play because I was reading the logs and couldn't find the bans tied to the two keys. Which I then said we had server issues causing logs and such to be cleared. Was confused. There is no third key.

So, insulting someone, then being insulted doesn't break any rules and everyone should go live happier ever- no. You've insulted plenty of people beforehand, then when you were unintentionally unbanned, you decided to forget about all of that and nothing you've done in the past still holds true.

Since you either can't read rules or are incapable of understanding them, let me define "point spiting". Point spiting is depriving someone of points. People get points via damaging the boss and killing the boss. Suiciding at "6% health" is still a valid point spite.

I personally don't like you because you were spamming while muted, wishing me to die in a fire. Other than that you've also insulted me on other occasions. Did I ban you for it? No, because that's a petty reason. The rest of those five points don't even make sense. See, what you're doing is pretending you're clean because you're on a new key, so nothing you've done so far should be held against you because that's "unfair". You forgeted up, got banned three times over I believe, for up to two weeks, got unbanned because of server issues and we thought we'd let people have another chance. And you still go and forget stuff up. Seriously, you're acting like we're banning you over these extremely petty reasons, when in reality you are a problem user. At this point I would dig up more examples but as I've previously stated, server issues prevent me from doing so.

It doesn't matter. You broke a rule, you got banned.

OK so Tomshere is his brothers account then why do you care if he got banned? you said you read the rules, but did he read the rules?

Basically your making this worse on yourself since your pinning all of his actions on yourself, I recommend to just go through the normal appeal process and stop posting in this thread, as your only digging yourself into a deeper hole.

Laughing at how there's 0 evidence

Interesting mail I got from Trinko 4 days ago, how'd I miss it?

And apparently there was this incredibly stupid rule that I had only done once in the past and didn't understand about, called "Point Spite", which states that the boss cannot Self Delete after the round had begun.
06/20/15   00:47:04   TomsHere   48176   besides, if you dont like boss suiciding dont give the ability to Self Delete
The evidence shows that you were completely aware of the rule many weeks in advance. You deliberately broke the rules to 'make a point', which means you totally deserved to be permanently banned.

Trinko is an admin now..? God help me.

Interesting mail I got from Trinko 4 days ago, how'd I miss it?

What mod is that?

The evidence shows that you were completely aware of the rule many weeks in advance. You deliberately broke the rules to 'make a point', which means you totally deserved to be permanently banned.

SeventhSandwich is right. You broke the rules, different key or not. So, you deserve the ban.

Tophat and Trinko win this fight. You lose.