
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162070 times)

hory shet that Ashe rework wasn't just a rework. She's buffed on pretty much all her abilities.

Meanwhile my one true love is still being shoved deeper and deeper down the winrate boards RIP Sion.

Meanwhile my one true love is still being shoved deeper and deeper down the winrate boards RIP Sion.

also why did they make ashe's PASSIVE a slow on every AA?? i thought they didn't want permaslows in the update where they removed it from skarner
also: why is fizz's chroma pack 1470 rp?? it's bad enough they want you to pay for palette swaps but 1.4k rp for them???
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 01:28:38 PM by Obliviongate20 »


Ekko mid gameplay

nice i was waiting for redmercys video, he plays assassins so this would be up his alley

shame its a mirror lane :(

brofesco had a ekko mid vid where he went against zed and a ekko jung vid

nice i was waiting for redmercys video, he plays assassins so this would be up his alley

shame its a mirror lane :(

brofesco had a ekko mid vid where he went against zed and a ekko jung vid
Bronzefresco did surprisingly well in that jungle game, I saw it earlier. As far as RedMercy goes, he destroyed a Diana in a stream, but I want to see him go against someone like LB. Ekko's clears seem to be decent and he can farm pretty easily inlane. I'm sure his late game damage is probably obscene...

Also, another thing is that I haven't seen a Nashor's (+ Lichbane)on him though. I'd think it'd be an item to rush, for the AP and the attack speed so you can proc your passive more often. I don't play AP assassins tho, so don't kill me if i'm horribly wrong.

i dunno if any of you guys watch anklespankin but he one shots a leblanc at the end of his ekko video

Also, another thing is that I haven't seen a Nashor's (+ Lichbane)on him though. I'd think it'd be an item to rush, for the AP and the attack speed so you can proc your passive more often. I don't play AP assassins tho, so don't kill me if i'm horribly wrong.

i dont think you'd really need to aa that much to get your passive off, i think the best combo in lane for him is going to be hitting both parts of q and then e in for the additional aa dmg + passive + possibly w passive too if the target is under 30% hp

i'd really want to see him built tankier with roa, havent seen a video of that yet

also: why is fizz's chroma pack 1470 rp?? it's bad enough they want you to pay for palette swaps but 1.4k rp for them???

It only costs so much because you probably don't even own Fizz. Buying chroma packs buys everything, the champion, the skin (If it is one), and the chroma colors. So if you don't have everything part of the chroma pack it will cost more. The fizz chroma pack only costs 590 rp for me.

the garen one was like 490 so i bought it and I got the fizz one and I like the blue fizz

i just got into the pbe..........

oh my god its taken three hours to log in and then when it logged in it froze fuuuuuuuu
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 11:40:40 AM by Flush535 »

i need help finding new champs to play

i play top, almost exclusively top
and gnar, almost exclusively gnar

i like little portions of a bunch of other champs but nothing that I love as much as gnar. however that's making me basically only do super well with him

i don't MIND being a one-trick pony but I dont wanna be so easily banned out

i need help finding new champs to play

i play top, almost exclusively top
and gnar, almost exclusively gnar

i like little portions of a bunch of other champs but nothing that I love as much as gnar. however that's making me basically only do super well with him

i don't MIND being a one-trick pony but I dont wanna be so easily banned out
since lately sion has been the only guy i can have fun playing as, you sohuld check him out
he's like mega gnar in the 'super tanky cc' crowd but that's about it

Wow stuffters in solo queue make me so mad. I decided to play top. and our first pick decided that regardless of who was going top, he wanted a nasus (for some reason, people on LAN have this circle jerk-ish obsession with nasus in solo q. Like they think he carries or whatever, so they pick him, farm all game, let the team lose, and then flame. They don't even realize that he's strongest mid-game and don't join those team fights. But anyways). When I told him I main trundle, he locks nasus. Whatever, I decided I'd let the kid do that. I pick Talon mid into Veigar and go legendary. Our brilliant first pick who first picked Nasus gets counter picked by a darius. Nasus is sitting under his tower crying all game about how darius is bullying him (tough luck it's darius, deal with it). My duo, who is jungling, obliges and camps nasus while I roam up to help nasus at least once every 2 minutes. I kill Darius twice and my duo gives Nasus 2 kills on the darius.

Meanwhile, Bot lane are being typical solo q stuffters and losing lane because our support decided to pick Bard with 0 Bard games and our ADC picked Kalista when she obviously lacked the ability to kite. Lucian goes Legendary, and so myself and my jungle buddy decide to go help bot because darius's star fish is sufficiently penetrated so that Nasus is going even now, 2/2 and Darius is 2/4 and Nasus picked up a Glacial shroud, so we're assuming he's going for a Frozen Heart to survive Darius's burst.

Nope, Nasus is a stuffter and builds IBG (loving SUCKS ON NASUS NEVER GET IT OVER TRINITY EVER) and does 0 dmg while also not being tanky and dies enough to make Darius go legendary. Our Kalista is 1/8 and Bard is 0/12/1 and the enemy Lucian is like 19/1. We figure bot lane is a lost cause, but bait a team fight anyways because Lucian can be easily assassinated by me and Darius is the only one I have trouble with and he has to stay top to stop the nasus split. This is when I check Nasus's stacks. 120 at 30 minutes. what the forget. and nasus had like 60 farm. So we force a team fight and win because I get a triple and my buddy gets a double, so we decide to make a baron rotation. I back to wave clear (since we were down an inhib) and say for everyone else to go do the baron.

Little did I know that Kalista was a stuffbag and was greedy for the farm that I was keeping off the tower, back off of baron, and backed in a bush. The enemy team respawns, catches our team doing baron when baron is at like 1k hp, kills everyone but me and Kalista and steals it. If that forgeter had stayed like I told her to, we would have at least had baron on me and I could hold them off of our 1 nexus tower. But nope. Luckily the enemy team was handicapped and didn't push the nexus tower, only the inhibs and backed off.

But our nasus and kalista started getting in a big fight and yelling at each other for feeding and saying they were good and the other one was a baddie. I tell them to shut up, you're both idiots, now let's win the game. They both shut up, and then Nasus thinks it's a good idea to chase the lucian into unwarded jungle and gets picked off. The enemy richards around for 30 seconds, then comes to push our tower with their baron buff still up. We all get dived under tower, I kill lucian but the other 3 team members that were up died along with me. Nasus comes up and spams "gg report kalista" in all chat while dancing and letting them take our nexus.

forget stuffters in solo q and forget Latin America North. Every single solo q stuffter on this server has a special place in Hell. This game was at Gold 5 Elo BTW

Gold 5 Kalista doesn't know how to kite, Silver 1 Nasus is a stuffter, builds IBG nasus and feeds a Darius and doesn't know how to lane or farm, and Bard is just Bard and leaves his adc alone to get dived by nautilus and lucian and morg.

0/10 would not recommend LAN, if not for the better east coast ping, I'd be out of here.

Only champion mastery level 4 gah...

I don't even know if I want to play her anymore.