Author Topic: Canyons.  (Read 35827 times)

Not too bad, however it is pretty much just the slopes but it has tons of holes and grass and no snowy.  So I pretty much give it a 5/10. :cookieMonster:

In response to Cuda007:
1: Perserverance is good.
2: Good idea, constructive critism and what not.
3: No comment
4: I think one or two kinda steep cliff's would be ok.
5: Vital
6: Very important

Thats what I thought of you tips.  :cookieMonster:
Well thanks, now at least I know someone read them.

this is not really the quality im looking for

Holy ****. WTF is this? the terrain is all stretched! This fails, Fail Bin, please.
Its hist first map, give him a chance!
« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 04:21:32 PM by Sankuro »

My first map is a lot better than this.

1. Go forget yourself. Stop whining about 'ITS HIS FIRSTS :'( BOOHOONAGNAG'.
2. Way to bump a horrible map.

What the hell. Ok seriously what the hell is this? its like colorland

How has this not been failbinned?