
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162074 times)

looks like i was the carry this time alph HAHA

anyone else's ping really sucky today? mine went from 69 to 106 :(((

Yea mine went from 75-82 to 136. Took me till the 3 minute mark to get ingame. :/

yeah some weird stuff, worst was like 186 consistent

these loving cumstuff sucking ass lookin mondays in league of legends ranked

ahri and kalista both feed over 10 deaths with no kills and drag out team into the dirt to get shat on by a zed, jayce, and jinx, i did darius 7/5 and this was first ranked

My advice is to like not play ranked until you have 200 normal wins, though I totally ignored that advice myself.

promos always mark the end of my win streaks love how that works out...

so i just finished my provisionals and i got placed in b1
i was silver 2 last season, won 6 games and lost 4
loving bronze

so i just finished my provisionals and i got placed in b1
i was silver 2 last season, won 6 games and lost 4
loving bronze

Bronze is easy to get out of as long as you keep a level head and grind out the games with something bronzies can't control once you get fed, like Riven top or Gragas jungle. Gragas just gets too tanky for them to kill while having annoying damage, and riven will just dive the back line and one hit their carries, and dominate lane.

Silver IMO is the hardest to get out of. You play against less-incompetent people than bronze while your team still doesn't have the decision making skills to win. I've played countless games where we throw because somebody is farming jungle at 40 minutes into the game.

Silver IMO is the hardest to get out of. You play against less-incompetent people than bronze while your team still doesn't have the decision making skills to win. I've played countless games where we throw because somebody is farming jungle at 40 minutes into the game.
Silver sucks because people never listen. They all think they're so good and will carry, but whenever anybody steps up to make calls, they don't listen. Everybody does their own thing and the more coordinated team ends up winning.

Bronze is easy to get out of as long as you keep a level head and grind out the games with something bronzies can't control once you get fed, like Riven top or Gragas jungle. Gragas just gets too tanky for them to kill while having annoying damage, and riven will just dive the back line and one hit their carries, and dominate lane.
really just play what youre best at tho, i got out of bronze easily once i decided to main adc and stick with it