
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162075 times)

Level 30 finally, small victory for me

« Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 04:45:26 PM by Akio »

i remembered why i don't like to play ranked.

when it's my team doing good, we throw.
when it's their team doing good, we ff 20.

i belong in bronze with the rest of the scrublords, rito decrees it so

Anyone have that one champion they cannot play at all? For me it's Rengar

Anyone have that one champion they cannot play at all? For me it's Rengar

Rengar or Shaco for me. Deffo.

should you go trinity or bork first on fizz

should you go trinity or bork first on fizz
bork if vs a tanky team, otherwise trinity

if im doin jungle fizz waht then

no tri if you're jungling, build your jungle item with devourer then botrk and then tanky

Anyone have that one champion they cannot play at all? For me it's Rengar
I'm really good at all adcs aside from Vayne. Her playstyle is too unfamiliar for me to do anything other than get caught and die.

Anyone have that one champion they cannot play at all? For me it's Rengar
Pretty much any Mage + Vi, but moreso Vi.

i used to play vi a lot but when she and j4 were super popular i stopped

now i can barely hit a q

97 LP the dream. Can we make it a challenge how often you can land between 95 and 99LP? At 2 times in the past 2 days atm.
the answer to how many times that happens to me, specifically in silver 2/1, is every damn time. So close to gold but I keep getting trolled by 99 lp.