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Author Topic: The Brighter Dark's ISLAND DOGFIGHT  (Read 28661 times)

Isnt the term 'dogfight' ment to represent airplane(s) versus airplane(s)?



That's the reasoning behind the many planes at the spawn dude. Have you ever once tried attacking with the planes yourself?

The dogfight aspect is certainly there.


Get the hell out.

Isnt the term 'dogfight' ment to represent airplane(s) versus airplane(s)?


ultimate awesome vs lalam in a plane fight gogogo

antisocial aggressive non-twitter user?

You do realize I wasn't be serious right?

That was just a joke.

Perhaps posting what I said in reaction.gif form would have gotten the point across.

You do realize I wasn't be serious right?

That was just a joke.

Perhaps posting what I said in reaction.gif form would have gotten the point across.
You gave no indication of that being a joke lol

You do realize I wasn't be serious right?

That was just a joke.

You do realize I wasn't be serious right?

That was just a joke.

How does me making a joke correlate to being handicapped?

The image Badspot made is more relevant than the picture you posted is.

Because you acted handicapped then pretended it was a joke

Because you acted handicapped then pretended it was a joke

I just asked how that was "acting handicapped".

I do not see the correlation between being handicapped and making a joke.

If you guys really cant take a simple joke, just leave it be. We're starting to derail the topic with the incessent bickering.

I support gayvon in this debacle

jesus forget why do you keep passwording the server

why is the server Always Passworded at the worst time possible