Author Topic: Clank!  (Read 4515 times)

I built this in about 30 minutes it is Clank from Ratchet and Clank.
The head looks like a block because I could not make a round head I would only be able to do that on a large scale version.
Hope you like it.  :cookieMonster:

Ha ha!
Sorry that my server crashed, I got the BSOD...
Hope you got to finish it before it crashed.

i riped a save and finished it on a private server
thanks for helping me with getting it off the baseplate.

your a ratchet, and clank fan aren't you. well i am too! lol anyways, good clank. 3 cookies for you. :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

i think you should stop posting

your a ratchet, and clank fan aren't you. well i am too! lol anyways, good clank. 3 cookies for you. :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:
Not to be a grammar national socialist but Putting capitals on the First letter in a sentence is good and if your going to use the word "and" you don't need to put , in front of it.

Nice Build man, thats using the old noggin! 4/5 for being a Repculer (Bad spellin D=)

Did you mean replica? I couldn't quite get you there Packer...

Did you mean replica? I couldn't quite get you there Packer...
Yes I did thanks.

There are many times you can use a comma before and, and i do it a lot !!

Although you don't have to.

Well, as a matter of speaking, about 10, if you really think on it, commas, can be used, and used, well, without breaking, a very common thing, the laws of grammar.

I'm sorry. I didn't know i had to have the best grammer to post here.

No, you don't need the best grammar, but you do need to have some grammar.

becaus u kno you dun liek it when i type loike dis, roight? yeah you know taht's annuying you so therefore you need proper grammer lolz grammer = grammar yeah i bet i r realleh annoying youz roight now beacause this just eneded up to be a big wall of text lets all bow down to it and give it some wisky so it stops eating peoplek? thnx lolz.