Author Topic: Just a little something we're working on :)  (Read 2242 times)

i don't get why this is so impressive
it seems like a bunch of plant bricks (with an extremely high poly count that will end up lagging the server) spammed around a flat plate with no terrain, and a few trees also made of plant bricks.

the atmosphere is nice but the build itself is heavily relied upon by custom models, remove plant bricks and show us how it looks
i see the envirornment you're trying to get but build your own details, don't let custom bricks do it for you

can we rate?
if you see custom bricks as an 'excuse' for being lazy then you might as well remove the entire 'making your own bricks' system.
also you forgot to notice that this isnt the incredibly high poly one. that is WM plants.

Custom bricks are great props but they should never be used as the main idea of the server.
Go look at north. ( We used a ton of bevel bricks and demian's grass but we didn't use it as the main thing.

You should never force your server to rely on custom models, think of what this would look like if you removed the plant bricks.

This is a portion of their amazing effort, guys.
They're still making it.

Custom bricks are great props but they should never be used as the main idea of the server.
Go look at north. ( We used a ton of bevel bricks and demian's grass but we didn't use it as the main thing.

You should never force your server to rely on custom models, think of what this would look like if you removed the plant bricks.

Are you for real?

I agree, this is all VERY simple. The trees, other than that, the only good thing about them is the wooden part. Otherwise, everything is just...custom bricks. I dont see whats so special here.

I don't know whats going on in the background though, so my opinion might change if I could see whatevers back there.

I don't understand why everyone thinks this is supposed to be some super fantastic ultra-detail extravaganza and that there's supposed to be something 'special' about it. I simply thought it was a cool screenshot and wanted to share it.

This is why I never post anything in Gallery.

I don't understand why everyone thinks this is supposed to be some super fantastic ultra-detail extravaganza and that there's supposed to be something 'special' about it. I simply thought it was a cool screenshot and wanted to share it.

This is why I never post anything in Gallery.
sorry you had to deal with bester

he thinks he's a better builder than everyone else

I don't understand why everyone thinks this is supposed to be some super fantastic ultra-detail extravaganza and that there's supposed to be something 'special' about it. I simply thought it was a cool screenshot and wanted to share it.

This is why I never post anything in Gallery.

The problem is that gallery is for builds. If you wanted to show off a cool screenshot there are lots of screenshot topics. Gallery builds are supposed to get different types of criticism. If you can't handle constructive criticism when you post in gallery then I don't know what you expect.

Saying "This is why I never post anything in Gallery" is an extremely immature thing to do, just because a few people wanted to give you criticism (Which you blatantly ignored.). Most of the posts in this topic are saying it's good or looks nice, but you completely ignore them and focus solely upon the 3 that actually give criticism on how to make it better.

Nobody here hates your build. People are just giving suggestions and constructive criticism and it's a shame that you can't handle that.

The problem is that gallery is for builds
gallery is for "BLOCKLAND CREATIONS"

be that a build, a video, a screenshot or anything else created in blockland. stop being a douche

The problem is that gallery is for builds. If you wanted to show off a cool screenshot there are lots of screenshot topics. Gallery builds are supposed to get different types of criticism. If you can't handle constructive criticism when you post in gallery then I don't know what you expect.

Ok. Well, first of all:

Seeing your post in here would lead me to assume that you've had to have clicked the Gallery forum link in order to get here, but maybe you've completely missed/ignored not only the description beneath the link, but the entire concept of this forum.

Quote from: Blockland Forums
Show off your Blockland creations

Oh, wow. Would you look at that.

Saying "This is why I never post anything in Gallery" is an extremely immature thing to do

Immature? Really? I do not often post images of whatever I'm working/have worked on in Gallery because I've observed that a large number of chuckelforgets tend to over-brown townyze and criticize something that is not meant to have depth/detail/symbolism/whatever it may be, simply because it doesn't have it. This is my own personal reason for not posting in here often. I have logical reasons and evidence to back up my decision, and there is absolutely nothing 'really immature' about it. Your claiming that my statement was 'really immature' is actually ironic, if anything.

...just because a few people wanted to give you criticism (Which you blatantly ignored.). Most of the posts in this topic are saying it's good or looks nice, but you completely ignore them and focus solely upon the 3 that actually give criticism on how to make it better.

I did see the several posts containing suggestions and criticism. I took them into consideration, and am definitely going to keep them in mind while we continue this build. Just because I do not respond with a post acknowledging it does not mean that I ignored it.

It's been a pleasure addressing your comments, and I hope that next time you take a minute to think about what you've written before you spew out another load of stuff.

as always, your builds have looked amazing
more :D

Cohort approve this yes yes

I love you Dread! You are so great with creating cool atmosphere!