Author Topic: lets play notepad mmo  (Read 2178 times)
this is our world of text, drag using a mouse to move around and use keyboard to type bruh
unicode and emojis are supported and texts can be linked
use hacker keyboard with permanent notifications on if you are an android user
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 04:43:07 AM by Generic Face »

bump so it stays relevant

Looking great so far, guys.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 07:30:10 PM by captin crunch cereal »

this world of text quickly turned into a clusterforget shortly after i advertised it
good job fellas

Edit but holy stuff this is almost as bad as the main hub and not to mention that somebody posted "come post undertale r34 in /blockland" in the global chat

expect me to wipe a good part of this stufffest soon(tm) now dont get the idea that i'm regulating this world you are still free to stuffpost all you want
« Last Edit: January 30, 2019, 12:02:35 PM by Generic Face »

come in and do stuff
you can post ascii arts using ctrl+v btw
« Last Edit: January 31, 2019, 02:07:13 AM by Generic Face »

come in and do stuff
you can post ascii arts using ctrl+v btw

neat. bumper dumper

don't mind me, just being handicapped

(that was supposed to be a black hole thing)

oh god oh forget the void is here

breaking news: The void has fully consumed Ricardo Milos while UMP45 and Mega Milk Blockhead gets attacked by the void, the notorious monday spammer and the Fleetwood Mac - The Chain spammer. Victims scarred for life.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2019, 09:21:58 PM by Generic Face »

this is a complete stuff show

oh god oh forget the void is here

breaking news: The void has fully consumed Ricardo Milos while UMP45 and Mega Milk Blockhead gets attacked by the void, the notorious monday spammer and the Fleetwood Mac - The Chain spammer. Victims scarred for life.
world of light blockland?

bumpity dump to the third power