Author Topic: 2012/09/08 - Blockland r1730  (Read 46650 times)


  • Administrator

  • Manually unrolled shader lighting loop, so drivers that do not support arrays or loops should work now
  • Fixed \dev\Blockland\trunk\engine\bricks\octShadows.cpp:679 - GL Error: 1280 - GL_INVALID_ENUM error spam
  • Game now checks for glsl 1.2+ before enabling shaders
  • Fixed some excess video ram usage on lower shader detail levels
  • Fixed public brick group potentially being deleted by empty brick group cleanup
  • Added dml file for sky_slate_desert so it is now selectable
  • Moved slowImpactSound, fastImpactSound from vehicle_jeep into base
  • Fixed WARNING: Output of vertex shader 'vPos' not read by fragment shader shader compilation warning on minimum shader.

Keep pushing out the updates Baddy.

glad to see more fixes coming for those who need them :D

Woo! Thank you Badspot for this update! Keep up the good work!

Woo! Thank you Badspot for this update! Keep up the good work!Best thing ever and Keep It Up :D

Well, seems to be working better, but I still have odd shadows...

On max


Thanks for working so hard on these, Badspot!
Also, is there any way I can get fullscreen to work?

  • Manually unrolled shader lighting loop, so drivers that do not support arrays or loops should work now
  • Manually unrolled shader lighting loop
  • Manually unrolled shader
  • Manually
Please be joking.

Nice, keep it up baddy

Glad you fixed the point light problem. Thanks!

Mac shadows are still not working, however. But I can still reboot into Windows to play BL. :)

Great, now shaders work for me on minimum!
It runs at 3 fps on anything more than a thousand bricks, and there are no shadows, but hey, that's probably just my crappy computer.

Great, now shaders work for me on minimum!
It runs at 3 fps on anything more than a thousand bricks, and there are no shadows, but hey, that's probably just my crappy computer.
Same, but I got around 10 fps with no bricks at all.
dunno about a build.