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Topics - McZealot

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Off Topic / zealot's disgusting vocaroo challenge
« on: June 22, 2016, 06:22:29 PM »
Originally wrote up these gems in Ducky Duck's thread but unfortunately she locked them. So now they come here.

Here's the challenge: Read one of these sentences aloud through Vocaroo. If you have to stop or laugh, you have failed.

Sample 1:
have you ever tried to suck your own disco stick? that chubby burrito baby or your "flesh flute" if you will. that bob dole dragon dong just aching for a bit of tongue action? your leaky fun-stick oozing with man-milk, baby batter if you will. the "Excalibur" of modern times, the mayo shooting hotdog, the jackhammer to bend reality as we know it. personally i've never managed to suckle my own meat thermometer, my pork sword, but I imagine quite a few "private eyes" if you will have gone fishing with the one-eyed snake. it's a hard task to bend down and taste the tickle of the trouser twinkie, but once you place your lips upon that yingyang yogurt gun and squeeze your love muscle till you just dont have any baby gravy left in your ink-sack , it's quiet the learning experience.
Sample 2:
Have you ever tried to suckle upon the old lady flower? To slip a tongue inside the muffin of creation, the axe wound of your people. To go to town on the beaver, the vageen? I cannot speak for others, but I have never attempted a delve into the cavernous wastes of a baby cannon, the Area 51 of the female form, the bleeding meat market that deals in pleasure? Some would call it Lucifer's cradle, a place of evil ritual, while others might think of it in fear, running away from the lion's den. Have you never gone spelunking in in the feedbag of tuna town? Taken a dip in the pool of the ladies relish? Run for a jog dripping in protein shake? I cannot say for sure, but I do suspect all gentlewoman have attempted to put on their own albino lipstick, if you do catch my drift.

Off Topic / Stop Getting carrotgrams Today ~ 1800-NO-carrot
« on: June 16, 2016, 10:04:02 PM »

why doesn't this have millions of views. this is hilarious and so high-effort

Gallery / Japanese Castle
« on: June 13, 2016, 05:08:53 AM »
for our secret project

Off Topic / Killer Keemstar Smashes a Kid's XBOX
« on: June 10, 2016, 12:56:59 AM »

what an awesome dude. idk if most of you have seen this but i discovered this today.

General Discussion / ~BR~ Battle Royale ~BR~ [CLOSED]
« on: June 08, 2016, 01:30:08 PM »

Off Topic / The Hunt for Vegetarian Zombie
« on: June 07, 2016, 07:40:55 PM »
So pretty soon we're gonna hit the 4 year anniversary of the disappearance of one of my favorite forum users.

Well uh.

My parents found out about me being biloveual and me watching MLP

and took away my computer/phone

I'll hopefully be able to hop on while doing math so...

but odds are I'll never see you guys again.

This is not a leaving post, mind you, since I'm hoping against hope that I don't have to leave.

Hope I'll see you all soon.

The letter ended on a hopeful note, but he never came back. Has anyone had any contact with him? Is he on Steam? Have his parents kept him from the Internet all this time?

He was pretty awesome so if anyone knows anything please post.


Gallery / Sinister Valley ~ Halloweenfest 2015 Terrain [SAVE]
« on: June 02, 2016, 07:51:17 PM »
McZealot: do you still have that save
McZealot: of halloweenfest 2015
McZealot: with no buildings, just the terrain
McZealot: cause you should release that, its a really good map
Conan Buchanan: yea
Conan Buchanan: you can release it im kinda busy atm let me puush you it

Sinister Valley

The map is entirely by Conan.
It's a really big map. Use it for CityRPs or something, I dunno.

Note: The version used in Halloweenfest 2015 had an extended size.

General Discussion / Zealot's D&D Server
« on: May 31, 2016, 05:18:57 PM »

Attention to all would-be Adventurers!

I hold D&D games on Blockland a lot. You can read about them in this thread.
No experience neccessary! Characters will be premade unlike I speak to you in advance and chosen first-come first-serve!

Anyone who is stupid or disruptive will be promptly removed from the server!
We will not play with someone who irritates the group!

Off Topic / Zealot Livestreams Virtual Reality ~ NOW WITH A MIC!
« on: May 26, 2016, 04:33:01 PM »

I'm gonna be livestreaming the HTC Vive for a few hours. Feel free to siuggest things to me, I'll look at the topic in the Vive overlay.

Todo List:
Minecraft VR ~ on now!
Browse BLF in VR
Spellfighter VR
Tilt Brush VR?

Note: I'm currently shirtless because it's 80 degrees here, so god help us all if I accidentally turn on the camera.

Gallery / Tabletop Gaming Scenes
« on: May 18, 2016, 06:35:28 PM »
I've been sitting on a massive supply of D&D screenshots for a few months now, and I wanted to post them somewhere. So here I go:

« on: May 18, 2016, 06:21:20 PM »
D&D Brickpack ~ MERP and Smallbricks Expansion

A brickpack of two-dozen high-detail Mini Empires bricks. Can be used for high-detail MERP maps, Tabletop Roleplaying, or extremely detailed objects in general.
These are designed for use with Smallbricks and the Mini Empires Brickpack, and without them will be seriously lacking.

Brick_DnDExpansionPack (Required)
Brick_MiniEmpiresPack (Recommended)
Brick_SmallBricks (Recommended)
Download All

Zealot (Organizing & Commissioning)
Titanium Man (MERP Miniatures)
Siba (Smallbricks Additions)
Conan (Icons)

RPG Potions ~ Health Modifiers

My friend Carbon Zypher made this for an RPG of mine. They are a set of 4 potions designed for RPGs, which can be consumed to have various health affects. Health Potions increase your health. Defense Potions halve your damage briefly. Gambler's Potions have a random affect ranging from death to invincibility. Ultimate Potions heal you fully and halve your damage briefly.


Zealot ~ Organizing & Commissioning
Carbon Zypher ~ Scripting & Modeling

Spawn Random Item ~ Looting Mechanic

Zeblote made this for me. It's an Event that will have a preset chance to spawn a series of items.
Good for looting systems with common and rare items, as well as having loot that makes sense
(meds from hospitals, weapons from barracks).


SpawnRandomItem ~ [Chance to Spawn] [Item1, Item2, Item3, ect] [X Velocity] [Y Velocity] [Z Velocity]
Note: Do NOT put a comma at the end, or it will register a blank item. This and any misspelled items will not spawn anything.

Zealot ~ Organizing & Commissioning
Zeblote ~ Scripting

Kill Bubble ~ Dynamic Map Boundary

An event I commissioned Pecon7 to make. It spawns a large or small bubble that will slowly recede towards the spawn brick.
If you step past it, you will take rapid damage until you die. If the bubble closes in on itself, everyone dies.
Only those in a minigame are affected.


CreateDeathSphere ~ [Size] [Speed]
RemoveDeathSphere ~ Kills the Sphere

Zealot ~ Organizing & Commissioning
Pecon7 ~ Scripting
Aware ~ Modeling

Off Topic / HTC Vive Topic (ITS ALIVE!)
« on: May 10, 2016, 10:24:44 PM »
It's working! The fix was surprisingly simple--it has to be plugged into the same GPU as my dominant monitor. This wasn't stated anywhere, but a kind soul on Reddit informed me of it. It's working great even in my small space, and I'm super excited!

I just ordered the HTC vive for $894. Hope it's worth it. The $94 was for $30 in shipping and almost $70 in taxes, which was really strange. I'm guessing they must be manufactured in some other country or something for the tax to be that high.

This is the Vive:

For those curious, I paid $494 of it, and I got both of my parents to pay $200 as a birthday present. I placed the order a few minutes ago, and it's expected to arrive in early June. I'll update this thread to talk about it once it arrives.

On the Oculus Rift:

For those curious, I also ordered the Oculus Rift, which I wouldn't recommend to anyone:

The major issue with the Oculus is that you'll never be particularly immersed for a few reasons. For one, you're always sitting with your hands on the keyboard. This means you don't feel like you are really in that place, it just looks like you are. But even when looking around, you can tell it's fake because the games that came with it didn't have very good graphics, and also, the resolution was very low. For another, 2-3 cords trail behind you at all times, making it easy to get wrapped up. It's an amazing product, but not worth $300 (and now its $700).

For those looking for a VR experience, I'd recommend the Google Cardboard. It's only $15, you won't get wrapped up in cords, and your phone has a MUCH higher resolution than the Oculus. The only problem is that you can't really play games with it, since there are no controls. If you really love that and want more, invest and go for the Vive.

The only game I preferred with the Oculus was Minecraft, which felt like it was supposed to have the Oculus with it from the beggining.

Off Topic / Zealot Interviews Furries
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:42:42 PM »
For my Journalism II final I have to interview a unique minority group. Last year I did Flat-Earthers. Now I'm doing furries. If you're a furry, responding would be greatly appreciated.

You're info will be anonymous when used. If you want to, feel free to PM it too.

1. What animal do you associate with and why?
2. When and how did you become/learn you were a furry?
3. Have you ever attended a furry convention? If so: What did you think of it? If not: What do you think of them?
4. Do you think there were any "signs" of being a furry at a young age, such an an obsession with a particular animal or anything like that?

edit: Longer is definitely better. Grammar doesn't matter, as I'll be rewriting it in proper English.

General Discussion / Zealot's Rotating Hunger Games [NEW MAPS]
« on: April 24, 2016, 12:11:45 PM »

The arena will change every 2 rounds. New loot crates will spawn in holding better (randomized) items as the round goes.
It uses a custom set of combat-based potions and a modified version of the Dueling Weapons Pack.
The maps are small so combat wont last long, with rounds capping at 6 minutes.


Off Topic / BLF Alignment Chart ~ NEW GRAPH??? PAGE (13)
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:53:16 PM »
I've been in bed for 24 hours (very ill) so I put my time to good use making a D&D Alignment Chart of 25 prominent BLF users.


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