Author Topic: Event GUI - "Apply All" button on Bot/Vehicle/Music GUIs (Laziness)  (Read 4655 times)

it is client sided, just for some dumb reason it is named script_autowrench
its still 100% client sided tho
scripts can be either client or server sided
or both

client_ is normally client
server_ is normally server
script_ is whatever it wants to be

You can name it anything, basically, but it would look funny.

I name some of my server scripts as aSystem_blah or aScript_blah because it has to be executed last.

Why use this when there is a copy tool already in game? It just requires one more button press.

Less movement of the mouse = less time wasted.

I can't tell you how many precious seconds I've saved with this mod.

I can't tell you how many precious seconds I've saved with this mod.
I can: two to three. Four, tops.