Author Topic: A Chatbot  (Read 1822 times)

I am making a chatbot for my clan, BoB, and I need some help. I've never really scripted before, just edited scripts. If this is too hard to start with please tell me. If not then please help me. All I have is:

Code: [Select]
package BobBot
As you can see, I have much too learn.

Things I would like to know how to do and do:
  • Make him say "Hello" to people when they say hello, hi, yo, etc...
  • Be able to say "Bob admin/super admin [Name]" and they become an admin/super admin
  • Make him respond to other things, such as questions.

That's all for now, thanks.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 02:17:10 AM by Dr. Toast »

I'd say if you don't have a clue how to script, a chatbot is probably a bit beyond your reach, but something like a console chat function would be manageable. Do you at least know how to use functions in the console?

Would it be a clientbot or serverbot?
The latter is a lot easier to understand and make.

I'd say if you don't have a clue how to script, a chatbot is probably a bit beyond your reach, but something like a console chat function would be manageable. Do you at least know how to use functions in the console?
I have editted scripts. And I know how to use functions in the console.

Would it be a clientbot or serverbot?
The latter is a lot easier to understand and make.

Oh god, Another bot, Atleast its serverside...
Serverside you want? Easyer, But still fairly complicated.
How to make it say hello to a player joining:
Code: [Select]
package Hello {
function GameConnection::LoadMission(%c,%a,%b,%d,%e,%f)
BBsay("Hello," SPC @ ".");
function BBsay(%say)
Messageall(' ',"\c3BobBot\c6:" SPC %say);
I'd hate to screw up your chat, and once i failed at mine and screwed up mine and couldn't figure out mine, So thats all i'll tell you, I do, however have more experience at Clientside Chat Bots.

I'm going to close this as Truce is helping me via private messages.