Author Topic: So apperently a kidney is worth 260K in america  (Read 1710 times)

I wish the government paid organ donor's families.

So you're saying everyone has a $500,000 bounty on them? I just have to pull their kidneys out and put them in ice and sell them? Damn.
Kick we should hang out this weekend. I got this really cool walk-in freezer we can check out.

Kick we should hang out this weekend. I got this really cool walk-in freezer we can check out.

Wait are you planning to steal his kidneys???

Clownfish give me your kidney and ill make you a xXxnoscopexXx gaming pc :^)
drama you better watch your ass because I'm ripping your kidneys out through your brown town cavity

and apparently the starting price for a single testicle is 35k
i'm about to be only half a man

Wait are you planning to steal his kidneys???
I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids!

I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids!

I'm reporting you!!! Your organ smuggling ring is as good as harvested.

I could sell it in the US and come back to Argentina, being set for life. Living Christina's life.

My dad already only has one so he can't sell one of his...

Kick we should hang out this weekend. I got this really cool walk-in freezer we can check out.
srry got playoff games to watch maybe 2 weeksnd from now!

Sell your kidney for $$$! Wait until your other one fails and then pay more than you sold for to get it back!

headlines, local organ donor program robbed

With all the soda I drink my kidneys are full of kidney stones.

Jokes on the idiot who gets my kidney!

My kidney is so full of stones I'm basically an oyster. #oysterkin
« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 02:28:39 AM by Lord Tony® »