Everyone but me is lucky.

Author Topic: Everyone but me is lucky.  (Read 6278 times)

My mom found a long time ago out,that when they married,he already had an other woman,which he is at.I hope I can sometime say "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!111" directly into his face and kick him so hard into his nuts.

dont sound all that bad, not nearly as bad as what MY dad did

Nothing bad ever happens to me, more so bad things tend to happen with people who mess with me, like that time I took someone's head and smashed it into a brick wall and broke parts of his face I can't even spell  :cookieMonster:

The ambulance came around and his girlfriend (who pretty much talked him into picking a fight with me, girls :rolleyes:) came over and proposed she'd be my girlfriend, I called her a fat piece of stuff and left. The guy was being strapped into one of those bed things and was still very conscious during the scene, so he heard pretty much all of it.

This is where it gets good, after he comes back from the hospital, he decides he wants a rematch for his girlfriend, but not with me. He wants it with someone else he thinks he can beat because I called his girlfriend bad names and fat, even though she rejected him after he'd been beaten up  :cookieMonster:

It so happens he picked one of my friends from class B (nicknamed Shortstuff because he was kind of short, he came up with the name though) as his next opponent! It also so happens Shortstuff could pull a pickup truck with his teeth if he really wanted to, he was pretty much one of the strongest guys at our school. Anyways the fight that ensued was hilarious, the poor sap pushed Shortstuff into the lockers and immediately claimed victory afterwards (lol push = won). Shortstuff picked him up and threw him accross the hallway, picked him up again, turned him upside down and Piledrived him right into the solid linoleum floor.

The girl then proposed to him to be his girlfriend, he slapped that bitch so hard :cookieMonster:

:sigh: I miss school.

Well..there is another good thing when we move,my mom WILL bring him into prison.She knows so many about him,he doesn't even has friends. :cookieMonster:

Bad stuff happens to me. I just don't talk about it.

We don't want to know about your life.
We won't give you pity.
Because anybody who is cigarette enough to pity-search on the Internet deserves a crap life.


That was then, I haven't done that for the best part of a year.

You must live in the ghetto considering that you got away with a fight with serious injuries like that.

Also...just realised...how can you say "Everyone but me is lucky?"

Thinks to be greatful for...

>you can walk
>you can think
>You know how to use a computer

Nothing bad ever happens to me, more so bad things tend to happen with people who mess with me, like that time I took someone's head and smashed it into a brick wall and broke parts of his face I can't even spell  :cookieMonster:

The ambulance came around and his girlfriend (who pretty much talked him into picking a fight with me, girls :rolleyes:) came over and proposed she'd be my girlfriend, I called her a fat piece of ice cream and left. The guy was being strapped into one of those bed things and was still very conscious during the scene, so he heard pretty much all of it.

This is where it gets good, after he comes back from the hospital, he decides he wants a rematch for his girlfriend, but not with me. He wants it with someone else he thinks he can beat because I called his girlfriend bad names and fat, even though she rejected him after he'd been beaten up  :cookieMonster:

It so happens he picked one of my friends from class B (nicknamed Shortstuff because he was kind of short, he came up with the name though) as his next opponent! It also so happens Shortstuff could pull a pickup truck with his teeth if he really wanted to, he was pretty much one of the strongest guys at our school. Anyways the fight that ensued was hilarious, the poor sap pushed Shortstuff into the lockers and immediately claimed victory afterwards (lol push = won). Shortstuff picked him up and threw him accross the hallway, picked him up again, turned him upside down and Piledrived him right into the solid linoleum floor.

The girl then proposed to him to be his girlfriend, he slapped that bitch so hard :cookieMonster:

:sigh: I miss school.


We don't want to know about your life.
We won't give you pity.
Because anybody who is cigarette enough to pity-search on the Internet deserves a crap life.
If you had a horrible family its tough to live with them. You could get depression and stuff. You DON'T want that to happen.

"If life gives you lemons, make grape juice."

Just a saying.

only thing i ever gotten into to be considered a fight (by school)
in 7th grade i had jsut won for the umpteenth time, the student of the month award. this one kid decided that "it was his award now" and attempted to snatch it out of my hands as i was putting it in my backpack. i jumped up and slammed him into a wall to get him to let go of my stuff when a gym teacher came around the corner and yelled at me for fighting and took us to the principels office. on the way there i saw my life flash before my eyes and thought that if i got expelled for fighting i would have no future and began to cry very hard. by the time we got to the prinicples office my eyes were red and swolen, my cheeks covered in tears, and i was breathign so hard i could barely talk...
the principle asked what had happened and i said that the guy tried to take my award and i tried to push him off of me. his version was he asked nicely to see the award, and i cussed him out and threw him against the wall... unfortunatley for him, he had been called to the office several times before that year for bullying my friends, but they never had any proof other than jsut claims. he was suspended for a month and i ended up free...
hmm......i guess that is kinda lucky....

I guess so, not really.
It's funny though when a kid acts tough and cries later on when he gets sent to the office for a fight he started.
(Not talking about you, just funny in general, your case is quite understandable)

Am I the only one with a happy family on these forums!?0.o

Nah I got a pretty good family..
Well no, I kinda regret having 2 smaller brothers, can't wait to move out.