Author Topic: HP Mod Topic  (Read 16592 times)

Since RTB is dead I've realized the downloads to some of Aware and I's weapons are dead. I figure I'd repost the weapons I thought were somewhat decent.

The weapon that started it all.
My first completed weapon. From Black Ops and WAW zombies. Is a one shot kill and can easily take out a hoard of zombies.


Rocket Jumper

This is a simple edit of the Rocket Launcher allowing you to do more rocket jumping things.

M82 Barrett 50. Cal
Op as forget sniper rifle with a loud ass sound.


Tactical Weapons
First pack me and Aware had done together, I dread it but a few liked it.
-M4 Shotgun
-Ares Shrike
-TDi Vector


Gas Mask
All credit to Aware on this one.
That green is not herb!
A Gasmask, comes with a free Chemical grenade! I know its small.


Current Stuff

The pack to never be finished
For a lack of originality.

These were sitting in my files so I figured I'd release them for fun.

-Good for close range and maybe even medium range.
-Use this for face to face battles.
-Fast fire rate.
-Not the best at long range fights (aka spamming bullets until you get a hit).

-Good for long/medium range.
-I would flank enemies with this, face to face battles aren't one of it's strengths.
-Three round burst, but accurate.
-High damage.

New Update, I decided to give the weapons a bit more "beef" and make them feel better shooting.
-Added new emitter FX (Credit to Bushido for letting us use his bootiful FX)
-Added camera shake.
-New sounds.

Edit: Added RTB Prefs to disable/enable reloading.

In the future I might add more weapons, but currently this is just a side project.

Ghille - Scripts
Aware - Models
Bushido - Emitter FX


Awaiting RTB Approval.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 02:01:35 PM by Ghille »

Both look pretty good.


It has only been a year since the last release.

I test it, do you can remove this player animation, and reloading, or make it turnable?

I test it, do you can remove this player animation, and reloading, or make it turnable?

I mean, plyer animations when you fire. Also pretty decent models.

Nice job, pretty neat models.

I mean, plyer animations when you fire. Also pretty decent models.
I'm assuming you mean the plant brick animation, if so I decided to be nice and make a version for you with it removed. Download here.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 12:11:09 PM by Ghille »

I like the model style.

Finally, an AK47 that isn't terrible.

I assume no weird sprinting?

I assume no weird sprinting?
Yea, scrapped that feature after it failed with Tactical Weapons.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 08:47:43 AM by Ghille »

Yea, scrapped that feature after it failed with Tactical Weapons.
Did you add any new features overall? Your tactical weapons were good start.

And don't take this the wrong way but the front ironsight looks different which is sort of good because it removes the generic M4A1 look.

Did you add any new features overall? Your tactical weapons were good start.
Not really, these were more of a practice. We wanted to make a generic pack that was took all the wrong things from Tactical Weapons and fixed them such as balancing, useless features, etc. However we scrapped the project due to lack of interest/life stuff. These were the only two weapons we actually did for that pack, for more were planned. I felt the need to release them since I didn't really want them to just sit in the dust, considering I was really happy with Aware's job on the models.

Did you get the sounds from Black Ops?