Author Topic: DeadFall07 and friends are loving handicapped  (Read 12803 times)

19 holy stuff stop it, you're not getting anyone on your side

But on Blockland Forums, the worlds oldest anarchy lego game forum, anything can happen.

19 holy stuff stop it, you're not getting anyone on your side
you say that

you say that
god damn bro why is everyone on this forum so damn stubborn
take the L and leave bro, you tried recruiting 2 different discord servers to go against deadfall just sit down already

Should just learn your lesson now while you're getting off easy. People IRL and background checks aren't so forgiving for things like that.

Not that I think 19 is in the right to be asking that, but at the same time I was also banned from that discord just for telling a certain someone to not stir up drama in the SKC discord with me. I don't think your admins are that adept.

just reading replies that make me confused

19 raided/ddosed speedkart, he came on a server i was on and asked everyone. deo was there too so if you want proof you can ask him

wtf his last dm doesnt make any sense.

wtf his last dm doesnt make any sense.
CHUD buddies DDOS'D the server

friendly reminder that 19 has direct contact with celau

so confused what block king just said.

1: block bans me because raulix forged screenshot
2. Im being banned for (wtf)
Maybe if you didn't read cross-eyed, you'd understand it as is the rest of the people on this forum.

Uh huh.
Please post the proof needed to show that the screenshot is forged.

Just a disclaimer but what 19 is referring to had nothing to do with the reason he was banned. Raulix had forged a screenshot of 19 admitting to ddosing about a week ago which I did an investigation over. He's just fishing for a reason to play victim.

friendly reminder that 19 has direct contact with celau
direct contact to celau....

friendly reminder that 19 has direct contact with celau
yeah but it was 3 months ago

19 do you have a rusty toothpick lodged into your brain or something