Author Topic: My car door handle broke  (Read 2573 times)

Can't get into my car
Can't get to school
wat do

open the other door and slide into the driver's seat

break glass window and open door

open the other door and slide into the driver's seat
Thing is I tried and it wasn't giving at all and I don't want to break both sides
even if that would seem like a better excuse for not being at school
break glass window and open door
I like my car!
I don't want to hurt it :C

Thing is I tried and it wasn't giving at all and I don't want to break both sides
even if that would seem like a better excuse for not being at school
what about one of the back doors? if you have a sedan
or the trunk? if you have a hatchback or crossover or SUV

It's a two seater, and the trunk would work except for the fact that it's broken already and cannot be opened from the inside or outside.

How the hell did you break all of this stuff??

I mean, one car door handle is slightly understandable, but the trunk, door handle, and possibly the other door handle now?

It's a two seater, and the trunk would work except for the fact that it's broken already and cannot be opened from the inside or outside.
Why would you have a two seater unless it's a nice sports car.

Why would you have a two seater unless it's a nice sports car.
well for one thing he didn't say it wasn't
and there's also the fact that, sports car or not, coupes generally have better styling than sedans, and aren't as geared towards families

Why would you have a two seater unless it's a nice sports car.
Not everyone waste's money on UN-needed cars.
Can't get into my car
Can't get to school
wat do
No school? Better keep it broken or fix it and say it's broken...

Not everyone waste's money on UN-needed cars.
well, it's not a waste of money if that's what you want
as far as getting what you need goes, you can just get an old beat up mess of a car without working a/c or power windows or any of those luxuries. you don't need them. but buying a better car isn't a waste of money

well, it's not a waste of money if that's what you want
Why buy a sports car if you're only gonna use it to drive around?

Why buy a sports car if you're only gonna use it to drive around?
Because it's fun to go on night drives with friends and such.

Why buy a sports car if you're only gonna use it to drive around?
Why buy a car if you're going to drive it?


Why buy a sports car if you're only gonna use it to drive around?
why buy video games?