Author Topic: Blatant Anti-Bronies  (Read 56007 times)

If a kid is taught from birth not to have a raging boner about horses, he won't have to deal with that stuff.
It's his choice as to whether or not he wants to enjoy it. It's his choice whether or not he's going to make it public. If people at school are making fun of him for liking a show about cartoon horses then he forgeted up somewhere down the line and needs to learn to keep his unorthodox interests to himself.

Noedit: for being made fun of? Sounds like a legit reason
Being made fun of does not always result in slit wrists. Stop projecting.

Must I remind everyone that a lot of you are adults

I am biloveual I use gay as a word for dumb. Lol, and as for the school thing, I would feel bad about hurting a kid I go to school withs feelings, but I don't really give 2stuffs for someone I have never met.

I don't really give 2stuffs for someone I have never met.
So now you've torcreeped your own argument. Bravo.

It's funny how the bronies have come to this topic to hate on our like of hating the MLP series/fandom.

It's also funny how they argue that we start the starts whenever we say we dislike it.

I am biloveual I use gay as a word for dumb. Lol, and as for the school thing, I would feel bad about hurting a kid I go to school withs feelings, but I don't really give 2stuffs for someone I have never met.
i am biloveual, and i make an effort not to be a stuffhead about gender roles because like i said they are one of the main things keeping straight white males as the dominant people in america right now. by forcing both men and women to fit into traditional gender roles, you keep our society as a male dominated one, which is really loving bad. let people do what they want as long as it doesn't harm you, themselves, anyone else, or society. if boys want to play with pretty ponies or bake pretty cakes, they have every right to and i fully support them. but people like you look at that and say "NO, THIS IS WRONG" and then point to outdated stuff as an excuse for it. in the past, being biloveual was considered to be a bad thing, and in some countries it can even get you jailed or killed. discrimination against people who aren't straight and using the past to support it is something i'm sure you don't agree with, so why do you agree with traditional gender roles simply because the past supports this?

Women are over emotional and we should stay mald dominated... IMO

Women are over emotional and we should stay mald dominated... IMO
what are you loving george washington!?

Women are over emotional and we should stay mald dominated... IMO
biloveuals are love-crazed perverts and we should stay straight dominated... IMO

(also for some reason i can't report, so can someone report his "women are over-emotional" post for me?)

Women are over emotional and we should stay mald dominated... IMO
are you saying that because women have one small generalized trait, men should be the dominate?
I would just like you to make it clear please

(also for some reason i can't report, so can someone report his "women are over-emotional" post for me?)
Gonna go out on a limb and say that that isn't even close to bannable.

Gonna go out on a limb and say that that isn't even close to bannable.
hopefully it is
and you haven't responded to the other post i made!

Not love crazed in the slightest. I have literally broken up with a girl for only wanting that. Is that a god response?

Not love crazed in the slightest. I have literally broken up with a girl for only wanting that. Is that a god response?
women aren't over-emotional in the slightest. is that a good response to your hopefully bannable post?
(also i was taking your argument and turning it to be something you are, in case that wasn't clear)

Burger. Shut up. Seriously, just don't post anymore. You ignore people's intelligent posts and you blatantly stuff out insults towards people for simply liking a show. We get it, you hate MLP, okay. There. No one is forcing you to watch it. Now, go away, please.