
After you've tried the new reference frame import feature, do you think it should be enabled by default?


Author Topic: [Blender] New DTS plugin  (Read 134175 times)

I've cleaned up the OP a bit.

can you make it automagically export .png materials?

At some point, yes. How do you think existing materials should be handled?

How do you think existing materials should be handled?
Overwriting them seems like the usual course of action

Overwriting them seems like the usual course of action
Is that what the existing exporter actually does? I thought it didn't touch the materials

Trying to replicate the alpha mechanism Blockland uses for textures (for imported materials) (Blockland textures use black as transparent), not having too much luck

On the bright side: All textures in this image were automatically resolved and added at import time

Fixed a few things related to node transforms when using an auto root. Implemented manual edge splitting that checks Blender's builtin per-face flat-/smooth-shading settings. No idea how well it works, but it works. Per-face flat shading.

I'm super pumped for this again, keep up the good work

The plugin can now export animations (not DSQs yet). It expects to find a pair of "name:start" and "name:end" markers in your timeline for every animation. The F-Curves for XYZ Location, XYZ Euler and XYZ Scale will be exported. To specify more settings for animations, create a new Text Block named "Sequences". Each line should be of the form "sequenceName: flag1, flag2, flag3". For example:

spin: cyclic, blend 2
ambient: cyclic

The possible flags you can use are cyclic, which makes the animation loop; and blend <priority>, where <priority> is a number—this will make the animation blend with animations playing in other slots using the given priority.

You can also add the line "strict". This makes the export process fail if any markers were encountered that didn't have a line in the sequences file. If you don't want any flags for a sequence and are using strict mode, you can just write "sequenceName:" for that given sequence.

The animation exporting definitely isn't done: at the moment it won't precisely evaluate keyframes on fractional frames, and it creates more keyframes and node-matters than is strictly necessary (it still works fine, however).

The importer will also try to import animations (and the Sequences text block), but not all animations are imported correctly right now.

The plugin can now export animations (not DSQs yet). It expects to find a pair of "name:start" and "name:end" markers in your timeline for every animation. The F-Curves for XYZ Location, XYZ Euler and XYZ Scale will be exported. To specify more settings for animations, create a new Text Block named "Sequences". Each line should be of the form "sequenceName: flag1, flag2, flag3". For example:

spin: cyclic, blend 2
ambient: cyclic

The possible flags you can use are cyclic, which makes the animation loop; and blend <priority>, where <priority> is a number—this will make the animation blend with animations playing in other slots using the given priority.

You can also add the line "strict". This makes the export process fail if any markers were encountered that didn't have a line in the sequences file. If you don't want any flags for a sequence and are using strict mode, you can just write "sequenceName:" for that given sequence.

The animation exporting definitely isn't done: at the moment it won't precisely evaluate keyframes on fractional frames, and it creates more keyframes and node-matters than is strictly necessary (it still works fine, however).

The importer will also try to import animations (and the Sequences text block), but not all animations are imported correctly right now.

Here we go! Model by siba.

hey its me, im famous and damn that model was solid.

Yes!!! More progress!!! :O

The newest version can export DSQ files