
Should we continue Blockland Pistop?

Yes, you should continue working on Blockland Pitstop
No, you should not work on Blockland Pitstop

Author Topic: POLL - Should We Continue This? - Blockland Pitstop  (Read 44741 times)

You just proved

I wasn't trying to prove anything, was just posting it so other people could see what it was.

I wasn't trying to prove anything, was just posting it so other people could see what it was.

In case anyone didn't know:

posting (verb)

1.   to affix (a notice, bulletin, etc.) to a post, wall, or the like.

2.   to bring to public notice by or as by a poster or bill: to post a reward.

3.   to denounce by a public notice or declaration: They were posted as spies.

4.   to publish the name of in a list: to post a student on the dean's list.

5.   to publish the name of (a ship) as missing or lost.

you can all thank me later ;-)

It's not loving latin, it's lorem ipsum.

Lorem is actually a snipped off version of the latin word Dolorem. Its just shorter to say, but the language is still latin:

“dolorem ipsum dolor sit amet”
“loves pain itself, pain is love.”

Global Blacklist
The global blacklist is a database that will store users that are unwanted by the community. If a user is drama'd and there are many other players that '/support', then the targeted user will be added to the global blacklist. Trusted server IP's have the option to add users to the global blacklist, only super-admins can do this (the way of authentication may change in the future).
okay what

what the forget is this?

RTB didn't pull this kind of witch hunt forgetery. drama in the drama board stays in it for a reason.

You just proved
i don't believe he did
michael's paste in the third paragraph says it's a chunk of Latin literature. i would imagine that therefore it's Latin.

Supposedly has the GUI ready, but looks ugly and is afraid of the community.

Supposedly has the GUI ready, but looks ugly and is afraid of the community.


Supposedly has the GUI ready, but looks ugly and is afraid of the community.

Can't blame him there, but at times the community is very good at giving advice and pointers.

Thank you all for your patience while the site is being developed.

uhm that blacklist idea sounds horrible

uhm that blacklist idea sounds horrible
Players will be able to request a ban lift.

Players will be able to request a ban lift.
Even so, it still sounds terrible.
Will server owners have the option to opt-out? What criteria is needed for a person to be globally blacklisted?

Even so, it still sounds terrible.
Will server owners have the option to opt-out? What criteria is needed for a person to be globally blacklisted?

Valid reasons to add a strike to a player in the Global Blacklist:
Successfully Drama'd (for a good reason, such as: admin abuse, harassment, etc)
Using Cheats/Hacks/Exploits (which may never occur)
Spambots (program that is designed to flood the chat with any given message. User-made spam is different and is not a valid reason.)

Any server that uses our addon may opt out of using the blacklist at any time.