Author Topic: 1337ANGRYBIRD - not the best host out there  (Read 1918 times)

So this guy (1337ANGRYBIRD) was hosting a Throw Mod DM on the day after Panquake hosted his. I joined, and while I was loading we were talking, one guy cussed, then 1337ANGRYBIRD said "no cussing is in the rules"
Then I said "This is the internet. Do you expect people not to cuss?"
then he banned me for this reason: "You know what suck my d*ck!" (he didn't add the asterisk, I did)
I didn't have the idea to drama him at the time, so I didn't get any pictures. Sorry.
I'm sure he'll host it again though, so I'll have a chance maybe.

You are allowed to swear, so you did not need to add the asterisk. Plus, while that is a crappy rule, you did not need to go all smart ass on him. Next time never do a drama if you don't have pictures and think about the situation at hand.

okay, putting it there

jesus forget you dont need to censor stuff

So you're complaining about being banned because you broke the rules?
Yeah /nosupport.

So you're complaining about being banned because you broke the rules?
Yeah /nosupport.

re-read the op. just scroll up. and read it carefully


re-read the op. just scroll up. and read it carefully
Sorry, thought in the op he was the one who said suck my d

While it is a dumb rule. You don't curse yourself so why are you complaining?

While it is a dumb rule. You don't curse yourself so why are you complaining?

He banned me for no reason?
Read the OP.

One does NOT start a drama without proof.

What you really need is a witness. Although most people wont go out of their way to do it, its not the best thing to rely on

actually there IS an exact yellow of the chat

what i mean is there's a way to may a fake chat with the exact same colors