Author Topic: Kill CI icon? <solved>  (Read 831 times)

You know when you get killed by a weapon and (usually) a red image describing the gun appears. How do I do this? I can't find a way
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 10:14:48 PM by Narkro555 »

Look at existing add-ons and their .zip files.
It's quite easy if you spend more then one second pondering about it.

Look at existing add-ons and their .zip files.
It's quite easy if you spend more then one second pondering about it.

What MtnDew said  :cookieMonster:

if you leave it without one, it will automatically set it to an arrow incase you're feeling lazy

What MtnDew said  :cookieMonster:

if you leave it without one, it will automatically set it to an arrow incase you're feeling lazy
But don't.

Because people will get "Missing <> CI"

But don't.

Because people will get "Missing <> CI"

No, I just got that arrow. When I looked for a CI link, the closest thing I could find was "bitmap:add-ons/ci/gun", which is impossible. I looked around into a different file and found that there was an actual path where that was supposed to be. That worked
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 10:14:17 PM by Narkro555 »