Author Topic: Favorite youtuber?  (Read 5331 times)

Gotta be a mix between bro team pill and jerma985

Also leafy is alright if you're in a middle school and sarcastic, bombastic humor is your thing

ghost830, he's pretty inspiring to say the least

Rekt Feminist Videos is a good youtube channel.

roosterteeth probs, i used to be into etho and a few other dudes a while back

Aside from my music subscriptions probably vsauce or h3h3.

I used to like leafy.

Heres why I dont now. Actually, just watch Idubbzz and HeyWatchYourMouth (I think thats his name) 's videos.

In the past before the leafy drama garbage and before I even knew who he was I clicked a few of his videos that were in my recommended feed and I thought "Wow what a friend. How does this guy have so many subscribers?"

when i was 11 years old, the target audience of pewdiepie and leafy, maybe.

You're acting like that was a long time ago but it's only been 3 years at the very most since you were furiously masturbating to the thought of him

Tom Scott is also a great and informative person/channel.

Forget all of your other GARBAGE YouTubers, LindyBeige is officially the best man on YouTube.

Vinesauce Vinny
along with A+Start, Game Grumps, Beta64, GradeAUnderA, JonTronShow, SiIvaGunner, Valve News Network and RubberFruit
thats only naming some of them off