
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162092 times)

Just got a perfect Syndra game, they surrendered and fizz was super easy
Just a tip, if you want more dmg early game, void staff is a better buy than rushing rabadons. But gj

team all mid strikes again

Started playing this.
xXNuclearNachoXx, level 3, europe or somehthing
^mlg name

New champion update up on the main page.

Champions You Hate #3!

Vote on the most hated champions!

that feel when the enemy team literally cannot the diana

i played my first game with fiddle sticks and went like 15-2 and it was like the most boring carry of my life

"that was easy"

rinse and repeat

edit: also ive been lvl 30 for like 6 months but still no update :(
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 04:49:30 AM by Ticonderoga »

edit: also ive been lvl 30 for like 6 months but still no update :(

Oh boy I thought i had changed it. My bad.

holy stuff dj sona has over 3 hours of sound files

 thats forgetin crazy
(im prob late but i dont play league :-(  )

holy stuff dj sona has over 3 hours of sound files

 thats forgetin crazy
(im prob late but i dont play league :-(  )

you are not. I did not know that.

I played teemo in ranked vs an irelia and at 15 minutes she had 21 cs lmfao

new veigar is horrible
might as well turn yi's Q into a skillshot too

So am I the only one that thinks that people are gonna troll with bard and trap their teammates that are running from the enemy?