Author Topic: "Unknown User", Legofanatic's sock puppet.  (Read 3158 times)

I don't know who Jacky is.

I will. I could care less if I get banned from the Forums, I don't do much on here anyways.
This doesn't happen to count for rule 5, does it?

This doesn't happen to count for rule 5, does it?
Having an alt for trolling is already bannable, but he's broken Don't care don't post twice now.

are you jacky's alt too then?

also, what happened to dropping it.
You shut up right now.

I have no alts or other accounts. It's not even funny either.

You shut up right now.
I have no alts or other accounts. It's not even funny either.
it sure is funny.

Who would make a Forums account if you already have one, to get more respect? To start over? You are a complete dumb ass.

Who would make a Forums account if you already have one, to get more respect? To start over? You are a complete dumb ass.
To troll and get discovered for being stupid.

Is making an alt in general bannable? Even if the original account is active and unban't. And neither are for trolling.

And that neither PLAN to be banned any time ever.

Is making an alt in general bannable? Even if the original account is active and unban't. And neither are for trolling.
I'd think not, but you should ask Badspot to be sure.

Is making an alt in general bannable? Even if the original account is active and unban't. And neither are for trolling.
Yes because his Alt Unknown User, who he made a random drama topic on that proved nothing and only showed stupidity isn't trolling.

People still use AIM?

Make an alt.
Dump pyramid scheme refferal links on it.