Author Topic: Outdated studs break shaders, heres how to fix them.  (Read 3748 times)

I thought of this due to the fact that I got tired of going to servers and having them use custom studs that break shaders (I'm looking at you squidey's studs).

This is really ruining the shader experience, and I never really thought about it until I got a new gpu that could run shaders at max at 60fps.

One of the reasons old studs like those break shaders are due to them not having proper transparency.The best way to show an example of this is to show you the brickTOP.png

Below is an example of the old 125% studs, notice how they are not completely transparent.

And Here is how I fixed the 125% studs, by increasing transparency and leaving darker corners.

In a nutshell, to fix the studs, you just need to remake the stud at a even greater transparency, and just leaving a certain corner darker.

UPDATE : I just found out textures that cover brickSIDE and brickBOTTOM are affected as well.
If your textures use custom bottom and sides, I would suggest fix them or refrain from using.

Here is a list of the broken and studs that are compatible with shaders :
Code: [Select]
Broken Stud List :

Tron studs - Might be fixable
Squideey's old - obsolete, use ZAPK's
Squideey's old Lego - Obsolete, replacement needed
Squideey's old 2- Obsolete
Squideey's New studs - obsolete
NoGlow - Maybe fixable?(Might break effect though)
Manty's studs - obsolete
Lego stud - Obsolete, replacement needed
Furling's - Completely broken
Cell shaded - Fixable
Brickland - Kind of still works
Blankland - Fixable

Working Stud List :
Zapk's Studs
Vita's Studs
Tristian Luigi's Studs
Ethan's Studs
Line Studs
125% Studs

Here is a link to the Brick Texture Replacer and the many studs you can find.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 07:36:07 PM by ZERØ »

Noticed this, it was annoying. Nicely done.

are you able to remake mantys

are you able to remake mantys
I have to find out how to get the shadow effect with high transparency, It should be possible.

I'll see what I can come up with.

Wait, what. How do they break shaders? I've never had any problems with the custom ones I use.

Wait, what. How do they break shaders? I've never had any problems with the custom ones I use.
The light shining effect does not show because of opaque studs, if the brick pack includes side textures or bottom textures this is affected as well.

Update: Remade Squidey's Studs, get them now.

I had to remake squidey's studs completely, they may not be the same but they look similar.

NVM, this seems harder than I thouht, ZAPK's are updated though and look similar t squidey's so use those instead.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 03:41:04 PM by ZERØ »

The light shining effect does not show because of opaque studs, if the brick pack includes side textures or bottom textures this is affected as well.

Ive never liked that effect. It makes everything look plastic.

the reason why the bricks aren't reflecting is because they are way too black, if anyone wants to know. if the texture is transparent and white, it will shine. this effects ALL textures that you are able to view under the effect of shaders. quite a few face packs and prints have this issue, such as half of a print being reflective and the other half not. anyone who makes textures should take of this, it effects completely transparent colors too (as in the color is completely invisable). be careful with your textures, artists

Ive never liked that effect. It makes everything look plastic.

Ive never liked that effect. It makes everything look plastic.

r u 4 real
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 09:16:41 PM by Electrk. »

Yes. I try my hardest to NOT go for the lego style of building.
My bad for trying. Ill stop.

Also if you play without shaders you studs will glow again. So, forget that...

Yes. I try my hardest to NOT go for the lego style of building.
My bad for trying. Ill stop.

Also if you play without shaders you studs will glow again. So, forget that...
Ah yes the "Annoying glow" that started all these custom studs.

Also if you play without shaders you studs will glow again. So, forget that...
Everyone should be using at least minimum by now so who cares?