Author Topic: -Toxicology - stuffting Within the Nexus for absolutely no reason-  (Read 14707 times)


So, unless some of you haven't noticed, I created a group named simply -The Nexus-, an all-PvP group made to train players in combat; or otherwise refine skills one has learned. We are a simple, neutral group, aimed to improve the skills of others.

People began to show interest for the group, and eventually, I'm getting sign up sheets. Then along comes Toxicology (29857), who posts with the following sign up sheet:

.: IGN :.:darren wilson
.: Level of skill? :.:i am a professional sharpshooter
.: Preferred Weaponry? :.:handguns
.: Why should you be accepted? :.:im good at killing black people
.: Which squad do you prefer to join? :.:jennings police department

Though this may look like a normal sign-up sheet, it's actually a load of stuff; based on the code on the OP that I put. The name doesn't sound accurate, no BLID to identify, tribal as to why he should be accepted, and the Jennings Police department isn't even a real division in my group.

I promptly rejected the proposal, but he has thus continued to post in the same ill manner.

hey hey hey calm down
when can i get tickets to your blockland dreamhack tournament

nice dude i'll tell him the good news
This particular quote was of him twisting my words to Akio- I which I would have never said. I'm not a fanboy of Akio-, and I have a fairly neutral opinion about him. I don't fawn over the guy, like Blockchip having a major hard-on for Lord Tony.

what timezone smart one


granted its super fun to laugh at you.


And none of this helps, especially if it attracts some other individuals that try to bother us. A legitimate example;

critawakets is awful at pvp on blockland so why is he in a dming clan? Are you trying to make yourselfs look bad?

I had previously accepted a member that is supposedly, "Poor at PvP," And it make my group bad. My group trains people who are poor in combat to be better. Don't criticize us for taking in poor fighters, as we are intentionally made to train Blockheads in PvP.

TL;DR, This needs to stop. As much as this may look minimal in annoyance, it ticks me off nonetheless. This isn't the Sacred Order of the Harvest, where random people who have been Harvested is able to stuff on the Clan's discussion thread. My members nor I do not appreciate this, and will not stand for this. If you have nothing better or otherwise legitimate to say about -The Nexus- don't loving say it.

toxicology is a known (and awful) troll, just disregard anything they say

they're annoying though, i'll give you that

dataproxy: king of the elite
just look at how many threads he has posted with "-" on either side of the title

what a classy man couldn't get any better (unless if he started doing xX's on either side (i suggest doing that dataproxy))

just tell him to stop doing that then?

Had a feeling a drama would pop up.

If you're going to spam in clan discussion, at least do it in one of the thousand spam topics.

You could say that his posts are toxic.

Toxicology is actually pretty cool.
you however seem to be a little bit of a -special snowflake

Toxicology is actually pretty cool.
you however seem to be a little bit of a -special snowflake

He is not in any way overreacting. Toxic is a nuisance and is deliberately bothering us, he needs to stop. Judging by this post you must be one of his friends. You must have some kind of connection to him. Tell him to stop for Christ sake.

with how theatrical and overdone your clan is, you should expect ridicule.

with how theatrical and overdone your clan is, you should expect ridicule.

well theres the tryhard name for starters
and theres the topic title "in the nexus"