Author Topic: tails doll survival guide  (Read 3786 times)

Section 1: What the curse is.

The Tails Doll Curse is a curse contained in the game Sonic R. It can be unlocked several ways. The most common way to activate the curse is to complete the game 100%, including characters and courses. In the GameCube version of the game, on the Sonic Gems Collection, Miyamoto supposedly left a seal to block such a curse. However, to break this seal, one must tag Super Sonic as Tails Doll. The third and final method of unleashing the Doll upon yourself is to get in front of a mirror in a completely dark bathroom and sing the lyrics of "Living in the City" backwards, resulting in a faint red glowing in the mirror.

Section 2: Effects of the curse.

After activating the curse, the first sign of your impending doom is a day of bad luck. Usually it starts out small, such as waking up five minutes late, but it then escalates and things important to your life start to disappear. These preliminary stages are provided by the doll to ensure that you believe in him, much like strategies provided by the Bell Witch. After a week or so of horrendous luck, the doll will start to send you messages, usually in the form of sticky notes or spattered patterns. After some of this continues, the doll will confront you personally and give you two choices. Be his eternal slave, or he will devour your soul.

Section 3: What if I'm cursed?

All is not completely lost if you discover that you are indeed cursed by the evil doll. For instance, the Tails Doll will stray away from Metal Sonic. If you find that you are cursed, surround yourself with little tokens in Metal Sonic's resemblance. Also, the game Shadow the Hedgehog has some strange properties against the curse as well. But mark my words, as soon as you let your guard down, the Tails Doll will attack. Constant vigilance is required.

discuss if you think the dam curse is real I think hes not but I could be wrong
« Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 08:56:54 PM by nickbond1 »

jesus h christ what the hell is this not this stuff again.

No body likes Copypasta.


Look at me, I'm so totally loving bandwagoning because I say 'no.'

Look at me, I'm so totally loving bandwagoning because I say 'no.'
Har har.
Fail2get sarcasm

Har har.
Fail2get sarcasm
Everyone hides their mistakes on internet with "lol I was being sarcastic, you couldn't detect it, you're so stupid".

If people don't understand that you're being sarcastic, then you're not trying hard enough. Italicize the sarcastic comment, put [sarcasm] tags around it.

If you're not smart enough to understand clearly intended sarcasm, you shouldn't be on the internet.

If you're not smart enough to understand clearly intended sarcasm, you shouldn't be on the internet.
Too bad it wasn't clearly intended to be sarcasm.