Author Topic: Rustic House  (Read 3033 times)

Gallery views aren't a limited commodity. Even if they were, Cohort Labs has 21k views, compared to the 400 this has.

All you're doing is making it seem like CrazyKeys should feel bad for having praise/attention. That doesn't help CrazyKeys and it doesn't help Sylvanor.

It was not my intention to be dismissive. I expressed myself rather blunt, for that I apologize. I guess I can become rather savage when I see 10/10s handed away so easily.

I didn't use anything specific for inspiration. I do live in an area with a lot of this style of house so that helps.

Other than the ground being completely flat, this is literally perfect.

i give it a good 7,5/10 because its very well done!
10/10. Very hard to impress, so I tip my hat to you.
Seriously like Sylv said, it's nice but it's not end-of-the-gallery nice.
I'd give it an 8/10.
He didn't say we could rate it, so I would edit those ratings out just to be safe.

He didn't say we could rate it, so I would edit those ratings out just to be safe.
That logically only applies to low ratings really.

All you're doing is making it seem like CrazyKeys should feel bad for having praise/attention. That doesn't help CrazyKeys and it doesn't help Sylvanor.
Lol since when do you care about gallery threads getting attention so much? Literally just a week ago you were arguing the exact opposite. So why the change of heart buddy?
« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 03:07:43 PM by Planr »

It was not my intention to be dismissive. I expressed myself rather blunt, for that I apologize. I guess I can become rather savage when I see 10/10s handed away so easily.
That's fine. I didn't think it was your intention to be mean or dismissive.
And I'm sorry if I equally came across as mean, rude or aggressive.

I think we just need to remember that people have differing opinions on things. I think most people will agree that this is a very nice build. Perhaps not the Mona Lisa of builds, but nowhere close to bad.
And how people rate or praise isn't always consistent between each other, or even themselves. It's easy to say 5/5 here, but then say that on the same scale another build should logically be a 6/5.
Most people are being quite hyperbolic in their ratings.
Funny how just a week ago you were promoting joke threads over stuff like this and saying people should feel bad and are "envious" if they think otherwise. Why the change of heart buddy?
I don't think I was promoting one over the other at all.
My point is the same as it was. If someone gets praise/attention for a joke topic or a serious topic, then that's fine.

It's not fine to complain that another topic is getting more attention than another. When you do that you're just being petty and you're only shaming a person for having been funny/impressive/entertaining.
And it doesn't make others want to visit the topic that you think deserves more attention.

So yeah, it doesn't help anyone at all.