Author Topic: object show prints thread (IM MISGENDERING transmissions 24/7 BITCH)  (Read 29651 times)


      presenting a collection of prints that showcases the art of the amazing and not at all perverted object show community

      now with even more art, cosplays, and political opinions, the sequel to the critically acclaimed object show print pack is not to disappoint

      i feel my blood rushing through my body! yes... this is it! the feeling... its coming back to me! the sensation of killing! the doom and darkness! the dark streets... theyre calling me... calling me to the ultimate ring!
      « Last Edit: May 12, 2018, 02:38:39 PM by Punished Kidalex90 »

      too bag the huang brothers ruined their reputation by making one of the, if not the first object show

      if mira is reading this: suck my richard

      that is a story for another time

      its autism awareness month
      give some support to this aspie

      "So many of my favorite nsfw object artists are still here drawing some kickass object research"

      kickass object research

      its autism awareness month
      give some support to this aspie
      Who knows if they drew the stuff in your prints?