Author Topic: how do you ""practice"" safe love?  (Read 2258 times)

I don't need to have love or masturbate.

I have already impregnated every woman on this planet.

what about the infertile ones

maxwell gives them the gift of fertility.

what about all the handicapped and deformed women, like electrk

jack off with condom on richard and hope you dont rip condom

maxwell gives them the gift of fertility.

what about all the handicapped and deformed women, like electrk

I take care of them

"take care" like 😂👺👺👺👺🍙🍙😕🐵👳👳

or take care like 👳💣💣💣🔪🔫👳 🔪🔫🔫✋✋👮👮

It can mean whatever you want it to mean ;)))

and afterwards i do the clean up

"take care" like 😂👺👺👺👺🍙🍙😕🐵👳👳

or take care like 👳💣💣💣🔪🔫👳 🔪🔫🔫✋✋👮👮
or take care like 🖕

maxwell gives them the gift of fertility.
Maxwell is the god of fertility confirmed

<----------- reaction to this thread

Don't have love, period.

Every minute, thousands of couples are commuting sin...

the quotes in your title are meaningless
the two pairs of double quotes are just null strings while practice is still technically unquoted