Author Topic: [Brick] Ported JVS Doors  (Read 10932 times)

Welp, I tried. Same issue I ran into last time I tried making bricks.
Is the original JVS garage door less than that? Would it work to just rip the model? Dont know much about coding/modeling so not really sure if that would work or not.

Is the original JVS garage door less than that? Would it work to just rip the model? Dont know much about coding/modeling so not really sure if that would work or not.
..that's what I'm doing. I ripped the model, positioned & exported it, and then converted it. The problem is Badspot's converter only allows 512 quads.

The problem is Badspot's converter only allows 512 quads.
what about General's converter?

what about General's converter?
It doesn't seem to work with MilkShape.

For me, JVS bricks wont save/load.

Cool, I wish they were taller though


Milkshape, or any modelling program which doesn't support quads, is probably not the best tool for making bricks, because .blb bricks are made up from quads. This makes the bricks horribly inefficient as the blb converter tries to make quads from the triangles, which not only doubles the face count, but also adds loads of unneeded vertices.

To illustrate my point, let's imagine a cube. A cube has six sides. If you use quads - a face defined by four vertices - you will only need six of them. If you are using triangles, you will need twice as many (twelve to be exact).

ON: Interesting idea, are these hand-made? If yes, did you take measurements, or did you simply eyeball the whole thing?

ON: Interesting idea, are these hand-made? If yes, did you take measurements, or did you simply eyeball the whole thing?
..that's what I'm doing. I ripped the model, positioned & exported it, and then converted it.
Doesn't that say he didn't made them by hand?
Or am i understanding things incorrectly here. :/

Doesn't that say he didn't made them by hand?
Or am i understanding things incorrectly here. :/

Looks like I had a brain-fart.

but the animations were the best part of JVS

but the animations were the best part of JVS
And the events.

Could you please do the Light Switch?

I have this program called 3dToBLB which JakeBlade gave me when I was working on some of my own bricks. I have no idea how it works or who made it (neither does he) but it seems to be pretty reliable for converting MS3D files.

I mirrored it here:

I have no idea how it works or who made it (neither does he)
What a great start to using an unknown program!