Author Topic: [UPDATE] Hulk Hogan bodys slams Gawker - 115 MILLION verdict in love tape lawsuit  (Read 2342 times)

Hulk Hogan was asked to forget this guys wife.

But the gawkers weren't asked to invade their privacy

140 million RKO outta nowhere



I'm on Gawker's side of this. Hogan had love with his best friend's wife. That's just evil.
Planr makes a fool of himself again

It was an arranged thing, It's not like they were having an affair.

What will hulkster do with that money.

Establish Hulktaku and Hulkmania will abolish the dreaded SJW

build a statue to commemorate this glorious event

he probably put an end to gawker with this lawsuit & he didn't even do anything. glorious hulk is still a beast in combat

Gawker even out the hulk Hogan trial on their website. How dumb are they?

9/11 jokes are literally the most unamerican thing there is