Author Topic: [VIDEO] Blockland Speedkart - Speedkart Forever  (Read 1027 times)

Please note that this will not be the same as/have the same quality as a Deadfall07 Speedkart video. This was all just for fun.

It was very fun to record this with everyone that was there, and I hope that you people that watch enjoy so.
Also, your welcome GrenadeSpammer.
It only took a day.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2016, 11:42:45 PM by Rolfey95 »

Thanks so much.
Glad I was in it (Especially when I exploded my cart)!
Nothing beats being shown in a blockland video on youtube, even if it is for only 10 seconds.

Thanks so much.
Glad I was in it (Especially when I exploded my cart)!
Nothing beats being shown in a blockland video on youtube, even if it is for only 10 seconds.

Haha, yeah.
Your welcome! :)