Author Topic: [NEWS] Lord Tony needs help getting to Georgia!  (Read 15604 times)

I'd take 10 nicks over one zealot tbh

fr i think the only reason zealot started that argument was because nick called him ugly

fr i think the only reason zealot started that argument was because nick called him ugly
why do people argue over facts?

watch your tounge wastrel, you're talking to the 9-time adultswim contest winner: TONY FROM WAL-MART

Hey tony remember when your poor ass got banned on a lego forum from begging for children's allowances lmfao

Honestly i'm actually curious how pathetic you could possibly be? Let's do a little tally
1. You're not an attractive person by any means
how is this related to anything
2. You're definitely not funny
3. You have no income
4. You have very little actual friends
again what does this have to do with anything
5. You're existence thrives off being a negative source of attention
go look in a mirror

How about instead you start a gofundme to end your life tony. Seriously lol
uncalled for

Also, can we focus for a moment on what a raging starfish Nick is? I'd honestly probably drama him if he didn't already gotten so unnecessarily wrecked in the 300 page monstrosity a while back. (Which I defended him in, by the way...)

literally a few excerpts from his last 15 posts:
can you really disagree with anything he said though lmao

did you really just ask me for evidence of him being poor in a thread essentially about him begging for money?
you sure blew me away

im glad that forget face isn't actually coming to my state

im glad that forget face isn't actually coming to my state
oh god no not you too please dont touch me
forget it i'll just leave this hole

im glad that forget face isn't actually coming to my state
i'm sure he's glad he isn't either after seeing that's where you live

did you really just ask me for evidence of him being poor in a thread essentially about him begging for money?
you sure blew me away
Evidence B is the pictures of the inside of his house.

Evidence B is the pictures of the inside of his house.
those walls, man

what he get banned for
probably rule 10 cause this could be seen as a scam