Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 7768040 times)

ah. makes sense, I'm not a brony so I wouldn't know that.
Yeah, MLP Seasons now take longer.

Hey guys. What did I miss, besides a few thousand pages and the entirety of season four?

idk a good season another stuffty movie and thats it

Aye, then. My head hurts, pardon the wall of text, p sure I'm gonna ramble.

A week or two ago I unearthed some buried series of fics on the web.
They started out pretty good. Made sense, at least. Tried to fill in a little bit more of the character development, the series was started during Season 1 i think. One thing I noticed about it was that the villains were made to be just a little bit... darker. Just a little bit edgier. I mean, they were going for realism, and it worked... at first.
So I kept reading. Eventually the differences in the author's character development and the official character development proved impossible to reconcile, and at some point during S3 he just gave up and said "screw canon".
The story had already taken one dive into MUCH "darker and edgier" territory with some undying tormented souls trapped forever in the everfree forest or some stuff. It started going downhill faster though. It was like a car crash in slow motion, watching the author's sanity fly through the windshield. The story started out really compatible with just about everything else but the divergence and slowly worsening condition of the fic-verse just fried my brain for like four days. The curse of having a nearly all-inclusive headcanon, I guess.
Anyway stuff got even weirder when he went and did a history segment with it. A lot of the characters acted... really ridiculous. But there were still snippets that were plausible.
Finally it all just went "ded" when he had a bunch of characters suddenly start acting REALLY out of character with no real explanation, Discord being apparently the epitome of every evil ever, being able to corrupt folks even while in statue form by using telepathy and stuff...
Long story short it was disturbing to watch the author's sanity slippage and I could tell at a glance that the final section was going to be full of insane, confusing stuff.

TL;DR, I read a fanfic and it was obvious the author was slowly losing his mind/optimism/faith-in-that-which-is-good as he wrote it, and it was really really weird and honestly pretty disturbing in a lot of places.

Other than that, I just dug up a few more pony character concepts and advanced my mental-fanfic storyline by about a week or two. The rest of the time was spent busy on some other sites doing other stuff. Mostly hanging out on a freeform Pokemon RP site (both multi-person and solo writings) and writing stuff for that, working on those characters, etcetra. Though I sort of started a crossover with three other entirely unrelated storylines as foreshadowing to a final confrontation in which worlds collide (technically coexist in the same space at the same time and interact with each other in a limited area), so at the rate I'm going, those stories might have ponies in them by the time I'm done.

TL;DR, I wrote some weird stuff.

Finally, since I haven't seen the slightest bit of S4, I have no idea what's going on in canon. Technically I read a bit about the first part of the premiere but everything since then is a complete unknown to me. Fortunately, my fic chars don't interact with canon characters much (if at all) which gives me flexibility in maintaining writing that makes sense given newer context.

Not that anyone cares about that stuff. I guess I just felt like I needed to yammer or something. Focus my thoughts by typing them out.

I'm in college now, Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois. It's been keeping me busy, to say the least.
I still wear that fluttershy-cutie-mark button that ShadowsfeaR sent me, every single day. That one from the raffle where he couldn't get just two alone so he got the six pack and gave the other four away to people in the thread. It got water damage at some point, so about a quarter of it is kinda blurred out, but taking it apart to restore it is essentially impossible (I did the research on the construction). Most people don't mention it, which is fine by me. People who ask what it's about usually get a dodgy non-answer about it being "a gift from a friend" (because unsurprisingly people are still richards here in college even though they should have stopped caring long ago), only one person has known what it was off the bat and I don't see much of him.
During the first week of college, I made one really good friend. We hung out a lot, talked a lot. Eventually she invited me over to her dorm, we spent six hours watching funny stuff on youtube. There was a connection, it felt like, something I hadn't felt in a while. Then, the very next day, something went wrong with her FAFSA loan, she got kicked out, and I never heard from her again. Sometimes it feels like life conspires to keep me friendless. Other times I feel it's my own damn fault.

What else was new with me...
I've gotten really, really depressed. I guess that wasn't so much "new" as it was "oh, hey, looking back over this past year and really my life, I'm seeing a definite pattern here". I guess it was just something I got used to. It started getting noticeably worse starting january last year, and so I've slowly been drifting down to where I am now: complaining about stuff nobody cares about on an anonoymous forum where nobody can really help me, because none of the therapists or shrinks or whatever-the-forget-they-are haven't helped stuff and I can't afford to get an official diagnosis or any more meds than I'm already on.
It sort of shows in my writing down on the Pokemon site, "In Licentia". My solos are my better work, since I can edit and restructure the story as need be (and because I don't feel obligated to post even when my writing quality is feeling stuff), and most of them have some sort of gimmickry that forces a second read-through to get the full effect, an attempt to more engage the readers and make it more enjoyable (and ironically one of the admins completely misses the point and complains that it's a hassle to approve). But yeah, I guess in a way the writing serves to showcase my own downhill slide. It doesn't help that the only things I can figure out how to write are the really really weird parts at the moment. Weirdness has easier standards.
The sort of stuff I used to enjoy just doesn't cut it anymore. I mean, sure, I can distract myself for a few hours at a time by playing the latest video game, but in the end, it all ends right back where it starts, and I'm just... bleh, again. I can't remember the last time I had a "good day"; the best my days get is mediocre. I even lost interest in my artwork (I've been meaning to do an art project for the bare-walled stairwell in this residence hall), and for a while I didn't even write or create or much of anything. Nothing really seems to matter much anymore.

TL;DR, I'm depressed and confused. That said, I know I don't have the guts to off myself. Besides, too many people have put too much time and money and effort into this life. Cutting it off here would just make me an even bigger disappointment than I already am.

Total TL;DR, I did stuff and learned stuff and made stuff and sorta stopped making stuff and I hate my life so I'm rambling about it here because I'm an idiot.

you just gotta beleive better crap is on the way

you just gotta beleive better crap is on the way
I wish it was that easy.


Wow, okay.

Hit some blockheads up on steam, maybe we could all play some co-op games together?

Hit some blockheads up on steam, maybe we could all play some co-op games together?

It's good to hear you still sport your pin, buddy. Keep on truckin', you shouldn't take life for granted, ever. Life may not be fair sometimes, but you have to make the best of what you have yourself. Because when things start falling into place, you know that you were soley responsible for it, and that feels good. You will have proved to yourself that determination and hard work will pave your own path to success and happiness. You cannot wait for luck or opportunity.

a day is as good as you want it to be, enjoy the small things in life, take opportunities as they come- dont waste time pondering about them, blah blah blah....


Wow, okay.

Hit some blockheads up on steam, maybe we could all play some co-op games together?
we had a group for that but nobody did anythign and its ded but we could try to organize bullstuff
everyone can hit me up on steam

Nothing like a good ole pony cartoon to remind you how broken your life is. Not even being condescending here, I used to be a brony, and even though I can't stand the loving show now or it's fandom, I've been where you are Bill. One minute you're reading some tasty fanfiction and the next minute you can't sleep because you realize that My Little Pony has been your escape this entire time from a life that's not throwing you a bone.

Gotta put yourself out there. Friends wont come to you. You gotta take charge and make yourself known. Explore some new hobbies, ride a bike around your town, you'll meet people along the way. Two years ago I was the same as you, on the verge of Self Delete, depressed out of my forgetin' mind, and nothing to show for it except an embarrassing secret and an online persona. Today, I'm going out for the 3rd time in a row to meet a girl I like very dearly. Have hope. It'll get better.

also dont forget to remember who your true friends are, and who you can really trust with them never abandoning you

And even when you're in a bad mood, try not to be a roostersucker and take it out on your friends.

and always ask a parents permission before going online

and even if you do get beyond buttflustered and remove your friends, try to mend things up later