
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162498 times)

Don't buy the new lux skin, because if Riot has any responsibility whatsoever she's getting disabled soon.


Why is the game more buggy than usual right now? I got bugsplatted 3 times from running through the red side jungle, ffs. One time cost my team the game.
Don't buy the new lux skin, because if Riot has any responsibility whatsoever she's getting disabled soon.

the forget...

Don't buy the new lux skin, because if Riot has any responsibility whatsoever she's getting disabled soon.

you should put that on reddit so riot sees it

oh how i missed my old main

500+ stacks at 25-30 mins

Max amount of stacks is something like 20*minutes, so that's pretty good.

oh how i missed my old main

500+ stacks at 25-30 mins

Why dontcha have boots tho

i didnt even need them, i had my wither maxed before my e

So if you read the Chronobreak comic the broken goggles belonged to the kid on the wall who I'm guessing is Ekko's brother(?)

Not his blood brother(im assuming atleast), but someone he was looking after. This comic makes me hate Piltover champs now...

fully stacked tear, rip

Anybody bronze-silver want to do some duo q on LAN? I can hook you up with a smurf, I just never have anyone to duo with because the server population is so low :c

you literally just have to ask me

Today I somehow managed to stay alive for 31 minutes.

Perfect games are awesome.

anyone wanna do a game with me as my supp I just got draven

i was soooo close to having a perfect corki game ;-;