
Anti-Racism has been a common term recently. Do you agree with being anti-racist?

I don't know
I don't care

Author Topic: Describe and discuss Anti-Racism | Poll  (Read 4580 times)

So you're a tribal ontop of being a low-effort investigateer and failed troll. Got it

if he's a failed troll I wonder what that makes you...

So you're a tribal ontop of being a low-effort investigateer and failed troll. Got it

Now that i think about it white poeple arent as bad as race mixing

So you're a tribal ontop of being a low-effort investigateer and failed troll. Got it

You can cut the bullstuff, Incel. I know all the case files on your clan. I know about the killing of Aeonara, Rose The Floran's declining health, and all your bloodbaths with you and your... peanut gang trying to strongarm this forum.

You can cut the bullstuff, Incel. I know all the case files on your clan. I know about the killing of Aeonara, Rose The Floran's declining health, and all your bloodbaths with you and your... peanut gang trying to strongarm this forum.
You forgot your mayonnaise.

im anti tribal in that i don't like tribals

im anti tribal in that i don't like tribals
you should be anti-cheeseburger instead you're one quarterpounder away from a free trip to the ER and a not free triple bypass surgery

london knife crime statistics
my point exactly. you'll only get stabbed if you're in a street gang. if you're a normal person going about your day you'll be absolutely fine

Instead you'll just get raped as UK rape incidence is currently rivaling Botswana

my point exactly. you'll only get raped if you're a woman. if you're a normal person going about your day you'll be absolutely fine