Author Topic: is there a story behind your name  (Read 5786 times)

friend ass spic lookin monday jew stufftin national socialist propaganda posting communist satan worshipping blue balled small richard starfish mongrel dog forgetin pill poppin stuffforgeter
the story is this but more mondays getting beat up

I found fire kirby an ice kirby and we started chatting
then i asked if i could be a kirby
then poof my name

My year 12 jersey:

The prevailing joke at the time was that McDonalds hadn't officially fired me, so I was "McJobless" since I was still technically on their system as an employee. I needed a name for my jersey so that stuck.

I started using it for all my user accounts. At some stage I made a joke about how I would get an alt called "McJob" when I finally got work, and then one of you funny forgeters provided.

and why's that
it just isn't, maxwell. or should I say..... not-maxwell

At some stage I made a joke about how I would get an alt called "McJob" when I finally got work, and then one of you funny forgeters provided.
we do things only for the rule of humor

I like to blow my eardrums out with bass/subass, so that explains my name...

I dont know it was kinda like i want flow in my name then i kinda want kick or punch or something then it was like kickflow idk

I like to blow my eardrums out with bass/subass, so that explains my name...

i don't think thats good for you

me being a dumb piece of stuff

i don't think thats good for you
shut up grandpa you don't understand

My year 12 jersey:

The prevailing joke at the time was that McDonalds hadn't officially fired me, so I was "McJobless" since I was still technically on their system as an employee. I needed a name for my jersey so that stuck.

I started using it for all my user accounts. At some stage I made a joke about how I would get an alt called "McJob" when I finally got work, and then one of you funny forgeters provided.

this is great lmao

my mom named me this when i was born (colten that is)

pixel is a pixel

ill go off my steam name because it has a story

its a forgeted up version of james bond as you can see