Author Topic: boner (17140) - spamming and ddos threatening server(s)  (Read 8534 times)

oh no!!!! anything but my internet!!

Well I did seen him before in my Render man Server, he broke like alot of rules. One of my admins reminded and warn him that he was breaking rules, and they said "Stop or ban". And then Boner said "STFU **** YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO". He started spamming in the chat, when spamming was allowed. Then one of my admins were so angry that they banned him forever. And I replied to warn people to ban him because he'll threaten your servers too, and make your server not friendly.

But hes going on my blacklist too.

I fudging hate this guy, I hope he doesn't come back to Block land anymore. Hope he gets banned from every single server, and I bullied him so hard for harassing me for no apparent reason. Im sick and tired of that guy.

and I bullied him so hard for harassing me for no apparent reason.

i don't think bullying and trying to 'troll' back would work especially for a completely obvious troll like him

just ignore and perma-ban if possible

I fudging hate this guy, I hope he doesn't come back to Block land anymore. Hope he gets banned from every single server, and I bullied him so hard for harassing me for no apparent reason. Im sick and tired of that guy.
Hey calm down its just a game
if you get worked up over one guy you're going to have a bad time on BLF

edit: not sure if its related but almost right after he was done jabbering the server timed out for everybody.
Host probably got tired of it, but we can't really assume anything without their console log

Hey calm down its just a game
Quote from: Drama Rules
"Why are you so mad, it's just a game/go outside/get a girlfriend/there are starving kids in africa"

    The existence of more important things does not reduce every lesser thing to zero.  Hope you don't get mad when you get banned because hey, it's just a forum.

Well that doesn't matter if it's not a permanent punishment right

yep he threatened to DDOS me too
banned him as soon as I saw the log since I had left the server running while I was away, but the other players were having quite a laugh about what he said

He was spamming up Despair Syndrome's OOC chat, but Xalos to the rescue

that could not have been handled more edgily

He joined Sirius Black's server and he was being a tribal piece of stuff. I think he also crashed the damn server with lag. Didn't snap any photos though, I wasn't prepared to. He was permabanned though.