Author Topic: Metal Gear Solid-ish Playertype  (Read 1690 times)

Could someone make a playertype that controls somewhat like the original Metal Gear Solid? Top down perspective in third person, which is the only way to move and strafe. Going into first person(Either with a keybind like the light key, or even clear ghost brick. or the regular "toggle first/third person") will allow more precision, but you can't move or jump.

To summarize:Third person is top down, first person is better aiming, but can't move/jump.

Maybe make it the clear ghost bricks key or something if doing it with the "Toggle first/Third person" key(TAB) doesn't work.

better yet a metal gear rex playertype and/or vehicle

I loved those games. I'd love this too.
Someone do this.

I loved those games. I'd love this too.
Someone do this.

Its obvious nobody will. People on this forum don't give two stuffs about the suggestions and requests section, and when they do, its never my suggestion, but someone elses.
That, and the suggestions that get a stuffton of replies are usually the ones that are impossible to do in BL, or can be done, but its too hacky.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 07:25:03 PM by tber123 »

better yet a metal gear rex playertype and/or vehicle

My pal (Xenomorph) is actually making a Metal Gear Rex, waiting for him to get a new comp and finish it. And you will get to use all of the weapons! ALL OF THEM.

My pal (Xenomorph) is actually making a Metal Gear Rex, waiting for him to get a new comp and finish it. And you will get to use all of the weapons! ALL OF THEM.
gimme progress  #ifitsbadmodeliwillnotdl

Cmon, give us progress.

Once again, the forumgoers don't give a stuff.

loving client_rape gets replied to. 2 pages, in fact.